Merge remote-tracking branch 'twentyone/main'

This commit is contained in:
Sven Weidauer 2022-11-23 16:50:19 +01:00
commit 55c236e336
29 changed files with 11688 additions and 0 deletions

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
version = "1.0">
location = "self:">

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

2021/common.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import Foundation
protocol Puzzle {
mutating func run()
extension Puzzle {
static func main() {
let start = Date()
var instance = Self()
let duration = Date().timeIntervalSince(start)
if duration > 1 {
print(String(format: "Took %.2f s", duration))
} else {
print(String(format: "Took %.2f ms", 1000 * duration))
extension RangeReplaceableCollection {
mutating func removeFirst(where predicate: (Element) -> Bool) -> Element? {
guard let index = firstIndex(where: predicate) else { return nil }
return remove(at: index)

2021/day1.hs Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

2021/day10.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
struct Day10: Puzzle {
func run() {
var rest = input[...]
var score = 0
var completeionScores: [Int] = []
loop: while true {
if let complete = parse(&rest) {
switch rest.first {
case "\n": break
case ")": score += 3
case "]": score += 57
case "}": score += 1197
case ">": score += 25137
case let ch?: print("Unknown char", ch)
case nil: break loop
rest = rest.drop { !$0.isNewline }.dropFirst()
let completeScore = completeionScores[completeionScores.count / 2]
print("Part 2:", completeScore)
func end(for start: Character) -> Character? {
switch start {
case "(": return ")"
case "[": return "]"
case "{": return "}"
case "<": return ">"
default: return nil
func parse(_ string: inout Substring) -> Int? {
var stack: [Character] = []
while true {
guard let current = string.first else { return nil }
if current == stack.last {
} else if let closing = end(for: current) {
} else if current == "\n" {
return stack.reversed().reduce(0) { partialResult, ch -> Int in
let characterScore: Int
switch (ch) {
case ")": characterScore = 1
case "]": characterScore = 2
case "}": characterScore = 3
case ">": characterScore = 4
default: fatalError()
return partialResult * 5 + characterScore
} else { return nil }
string = string.dropFirst()
let input = """

2021/day11.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
struct Day11: Puzzle {
mutating func run() {
var count = 0
var currentStep = 0
repeat {
let stepCount = step()
count += stepCount
currentStep += 1
if (currentStep == 100) {
print("Part 1:", count)
if stepCount == width * height {
print("Part 2:", currentStep)
} while true
subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
get { data[x + width * y] }
set { data[x + width * y] = newValue }
mutating func step() -> Int {
var flashes: Set<Point> = []
func up(x: Int, y: Int) {
self[x, y] += 1
if self[x, y] > 9, flashes.insert(Point(x: x, y: y)).inserted {
for i in -1...1 where 0..<height ~= y + i {
for j in -1...1 where (i != 0 || j != 0) && 0..<width ~= x + j {
up(x: x + j, y: y + i)
for y in 0..<height {
for x in 0..<width {
up(x: x, y: y)
for point in flashes {
self[point.x, point.y] = 0
return flashes.count
struct Point: Hashable { var x: Int, y: Int }
let width = 10
let height = 10
var data = [
2, 5, 2, 4, 2, 5, 5, 3, 3, 1,
1, 1, 3, 5, 6, 2, 5, 8, 8, 1,
2, 8, 3, 8, 3, 5, 3, 8, 6, 3,
1, 6, 6, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 6, 5,
6, 8, 4, 7, 8, 3, 5, 8, 2, 5,
2, 1, 8, 5, 6, 8, 4, 3, 6, 7,
6, 8, 7, 4, 2, 1, 2, 8, 3, 1,
5, 3, 8, 7, 2, 4, 7, 8, 1, 1,
2, 2, 5, 5, 4, 8, 2, 8, 7, 5,
8, 5, 2, 8, 5, 5, 7, 1, 3, 1,

2021/day12.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
protocol PathProtocol {
func appending(_ room: Int, small: Bool) -> Self?
struct Day12: Puzzle {
func run() {
let rooms = input.reduce(into: Set<String>()) { partialResult, pair in
let small = Set(rooms.enumerated().compactMap { $0.element.first!.isLowercase ? $0.offset : nil })
let matrix = buildMatrix(rooms, small: small)
let startIndex = rooms.firstIndex(of: "start")!
let endIndex = rooms.firstIndex(of: "end")!
let paths = matrix.findPaths(from: startIndex, to: endIndex, continuing: Path())
print("total paths", paths.count)
let paths2 = matrix.findPaths(from: startIndex, to: endIndex, continuing: PathParth2(start: startIndex))
print("part 2:", paths2.count)
struct Path: PathProtocol {
var rooms: [Int] = []
func appending(_ room: Int, small: Bool) -> Path? {
guard !small || !rooms.contains(room) else {
return nil
return Path(rooms: rooms + [room])
struct PathParth2: PathProtocol {
let start: Int
var rooms: [Int] = []
var repeatedSmall: Bool = false
func appending(_ room: Int, small: Bool) -> PathParth2? {
var rs = repeatedSmall
if small && rooms.contains(room) {
if room == start || repeatedSmall {
return nil
rs = true
return PathParth2(start: start, rooms: rooms + [room], repeatedSmall: rs)
struct Matrix {
var data: [Bool]
let size: Int
let small: Set<Int>
func neighbors(of index: Int) -> [Int] {
let slice = data[index * size ..< (index + 1) * size]
return slice.enumerated().compactMap { $0.element ? $0.offset : nil }
func findPaths<Path: PathProtocol>(from: Int, to: Int, continuing: Path) -> [Path] {
guard from != to else {
return [continuing]
guard let current = continuing.appending(from, small: small.contains(from)) else {
return []
return neighbors(of: from).reduce(into: []) { partialResult, next in
partialResult += findPaths(from: next, to: to, continuing: current)
func buildMatrix(_ rooms: [String], small: Set<Int>) -> Matrix {
let count = rooms.count
var matrix = [Bool](repeating: false, count: count * count)
for (from, to) in input {
let fromIndex = rooms.firstIndex(of: from)!
let toIndex = rooms.firstIndex(of: to)!
matrix[fromIndex + count * toIndex] = true
matrix[toIndex + count * fromIndex] = true
return Matrix(data: matrix, size: count, small: small)
let input: [(String, String)] = [
("rf", "RL"),
("rf", "wz"),
("wz", "RL"),
("AV", "mh"),
("end", "wz"),
("end", "dm"),
("wz", "gy"),
("wz", "dm"),
("cg", "AV"),
("rf", "AV"),
("rf", "gy"),
("end", "mh"),
("cg", "gy"),
("cg", "RL"),
("gy", "RL"),
("VI", "gy"),
("AV", "gy"),
("dm", "rf"),
("start", "cg"),
("start", "RL"),
("rf", "mh"),
("AV", "start"),
("qk", "mh"),
("wz", "mh"),

2021/day13.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
struct Day13: Puzzle {
var maxX: Int = 0
var maxY: Int = 0
mutating func run() {
maxX =\.x).max()!
maxY =\.y).max()!
for (pos, fold) in folds.enumerated() {
if (pos == 0) {
print("Part 1:", Set(dots).count)
print("\n\nPart 2:\n")
for y in 0..<maxY {
let dots = dots.filter { $0.y == y }.map(\.x).sorted()
var x = 0
for dotX in dots where dotX >= x {
print(String(repeating: ".", count: dotX - x) + "#", terminator: "")
x = dotX + 1
print(String(repeating: ".", count: maxX - x))
mutating func fold(_ fold: Fold) {
switch fold {
case .x(let axis):
self.fold(at: axis, keyPath: \.x, max: maxX)
maxX = axis
case .y(let axis):
self.fold(at: axis, keyPath: \.y, max: maxY)
maxY = axis
mutating func fold(at limit: Int, keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Dot, Int>, max: Int) {
let mid = dots.partition { dot in dot[keyPath: keyPath] > limit }
for index in mid..<dots.endIndex {
dots[index][keyPath: keyPath] = 2 * limit - dots[index][keyPath: keyPath]
struct Dot: Hashable {
var x: Int
var y: Int
init(_ x: Int, _ y: Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
var dots: [Dot] = [
Dot(609, 754),
Dot(1101, 140),
Dot(1129, 317),
Dot(622, 327),
Dot(967, 218),
Dot(661, 789),
Dot(661, 127),
Dot(1183, 596),
Dot(649, 280),
Dot(932, 693),
Dot(1288, 157),
Dot(1111, 372),
Dot(781, 219),
Dot(994, 236),
Dot(1145, 770),
Dot(1153, 395),
Dot(755, 289),
Dot(502, 406),
Dot(850, 126),
Dot(902, 58),
Dot(907, 5),
Dot(268, 700),
Dot(646, 436),
Dot(1108, 523),
Dot(443, 343),
Dot(932, 201),
Dot(1115, 105),
Dot(1191, 278),
Dot(1241, 203),
Dot(1000, 252),
Dot(1290, 403),
Dot(144, 597),
Dot(927, 448),
Dot(782, 630),
Dot(131, 705),
Dot(333, 367),
Dot(38, 613),
Dot(1285, 294),
Dot(872, 93),
Dot(492, 759),
Dot(986, 203),
Dot(70, 740),
Dot(378, 693),
Dot(1004, 319),
Dot(731, 235),
Dot(479, 875),
Dot(1210, 389),
Dot(1215, 215),
Dot(214, 122),
Dot(599, 660),
Dot(500, 254),
Dot(8, 478),
Dot(120, 29),
Dot(70, 809),
Dot(373, 248),
Dot(1235, 441),
Dot(1293, 345),
Dot(454, 686),
Dot(985, 469),
Dot(1101, 478),
Dot(765, 287),
Dot(1029, 309),
Dot(667, 203),
Dot(1220, 800),
Dot(508, 285),
Dot(65, 675),
Dot(1078, 663),
Dot(592, 677),
Dot(236, 122),
Dot(462, 564),
Dot(1042, 418),
Dot(748, 852),
Dot(810, 254),
Dot(718, 229),
Dot(386, 22),
Dot(1191, 728),
Dot(432, 872),
Dot(392, 28),
Dot(972, 259),
Dot(336, 416),
Dot(1096, 480),
Dot(415, 871),
Dot(1241, 427),
Dot(165, 441),
Dot(510, 673),
Dot(750, 313),
Dot(1255, 779),
Dot(194, 854),
Dot(639, 107),
Dot(281, 585),
Dot(679, 519),
Dot(611, 644),
Dot(497, 171),
Dot(326, 730),
Dot(882, 456),
Dot(403, 453),
Dot(454, 630),
Dot(726, 227),
Dot(383, 502),
Dot(574, 528),
Dot(1120, 593),
Dot(214, 256),
Dot(165, 422),
Dot(425, 115),
Dot(795, 323),
Dot(673, 602),
Dot(5, 827),
Dot(1009, 619),
Dot(364, 194),
Dot(75, 390),
Dot(870, 122),
Dot(654, 449),
Dot(62, 665),
Dot(999, 228),
Dot(611, 508),
Dot(87, 660),
Dot(677, 880),
Dot(656, 449),
Dot(681, 336),
Dot(499, 70),
Dot(870, 638),
Dot(119, 728),
Dot(1185, 498),
Dot(28, 406),
Dot(1, 796),
Dot(334, 210),
Dot(803, 445),
Dot(17, 345),
Dot(58, 194),
Dot(1310, 162),
Dot(661, 827),
Dot(276, 649),
Dot(679, 883),
Dot(164, 506),
Dot(990, 236),
Dot(82, 327),
Dot(999, 485),
Dot(498, 208),
Dot(1228, 119),
Dot(529, 732),
Dot(252, 544),
Dot(579, 403),
Dot(808, 592),
Dot(251, 665),
Dot(912, 602),
Dot(502, 722),
Dot(85, 75),
Dot(440, 122),
Dot(755, 12),
Dot(898, 766),
Dot(878, 22),
Dot(924, 22),
Dot(679, 277),
Dot(1191, 616),
Dot(1278, 775),
Dot(1148, 871),
Dot(229, 37),
Dot(957, 854),
Dot(987, 448),
Dot(1285, 518),
Dot(1252, 476),
Dot(1295, 857),
Dot(822, 285),
Dot(731, 627),
Dot(199, 74),
Dot(82, 775),
Dot(1186, 299),
Dot(954, 488),
Dot(753, 508),
Dot(1232, 593),
Dot(1216, 663),
Dot(529, 284),
Dot(795, 571),
Dot(1118, 226),
Dot(467, 617),
Dot(691, 36),
Dot(181, 317),
Dot(994, 658),
Dot(651, 894),
Dot(1101, 754),
Dot(763, 603),
Dot(1088, 872),
Dot(45, 528),
Dot(937, 224),
Dot(1042, 470),
Dot(1066, 648),
Dot(1131, 95),
Dot(738, 434),
Dot(283, 60),
Dot(994, 302),
Dot(1268, 865),
Dot(795, 287),
Dot(75, 179),
Dot(1011, 425),
Dot(741, 75),
Dot(773, 659),
Dot(373, 700),
Dot(201, 479),
Dot(649, 614),
Dot(328, 893),
Dot(1103, 728),
Dot(1144, 285),
Dot(468, 45),
Dot(857, 591),
Dot(69, 203),
Dot(401, 339),
Dot(579, 659),
Dot(502, 172),
Dot(584, 891),
Dot(802, 609),
Dot(644, 359),
Dot(679, 11),
Dot(1260, 201),
Dot(194, 505),
Dot(507, 485),
Dot(738, 350),
Dot(170, 882),
Dot(84, 511),
Dot(1203, 123),
Dot(1240, 533),
Dot(811, 70),
Dot(736, 687),
Dot(856, 686),
Dot(698, 417),
Dot(726, 592),
Dot(572, 544),
Dot(1144, 609),
Dot(629, 376),
Dot(1039, 840),
Dot(455, 148),
Dot(580, 224),
Dot(848, 778),
Dot(684, 45),
Dot(1265, 304),
Dot(681, 406),
Dot(15, 228),
Dot(172, 814),
Dot(637, 549),
Dot(617, 610),
Dot(1185, 610),
Dot(1250, 275),
Dot(107, 291),
Dot(186, 261),
Dot(1247, 299),
Dot(467, 123),
Dot(350, 582),
Dot(782, 432),
Dot(38, 505),
Dot(843, 617),
Dot(1184, 630),
Dot(304, 712),
Dot(373, 221),
Dot(534, 865),
Dot(743, 402),
Dot(857, 620),
Dot(671, 857),
Dot(70, 361),
Dot(692, 252),
Dot(338, 658),
Dot(1121, 144),
Dot(1258, 266),
Dot(1058, 843),
Dot(773, 211),
Dot(1129, 516),
Dot(1088, 22),
Dot(15, 86),
Dot(343, 676),
Dot(70, 1),
Dot(55, 794),
Dot(691, 91),
Dot(982, 893),
Dot(1300, 628),
Dot(656, 162),
Dot(262, 362),
Dot(850, 854),
Dot(617, 284),
Dot(977, 280),
Dot(373, 640),
Dot(654, 221),
Dot(484, 882),
Dot(251, 235),
Dot(103, 639),
Dot(1293, 292),
Dot(1150, 525),
Dot(758, 432),
Dot(480, 124),
Dot(1235, 504),
Dot(1293, 549),
Dot(60, 275),
Dot(1036, 317),
Dot(512, 231),
Dot(599, 794),
Dot(783, 148),
Dot(350, 518),
Dot(45, 252),
Dot(1265, 140),
Dot(979, 448),
Dot(706, 878),
Dot(1203, 686),
Dot(288, 837),
Dot(180, 138),
Dot(572, 431),
Dot(199, 148),
Dot(530, 408),
Dot(711, 794),
Dot(1302, 682),
Dot(497, 295),
Dot(36, 549),
Dot(201, 415),
Dot(1009, 432),
Dot(94, 663),
Dot(1150, 77),
Dot(1096, 638),
Dot(803, 87),
Dot(211, 775),
Dot(320, 12),
Dot(166, 609),
Dot(629, 558),
Dot(572, 366),
Dot(1226, 766),
Dot(295, 789),
Dot(195, 105),
Dot(99, 712),
Dot(507, 87),
Dot(242, 383),
Dot(55, 354),
Dot(681, 558),
Dot(1135, 313),
Dot(192, 226),
Dot(895, 871),
Dot(508, 609),
Dot(1146, 394),
Dot(281, 588),
Dot(714, 312),
Dot(567, 234),
Dot(283, 834),
Dot(455, 893),
Dot(45, 140),
Dot(691, 673),
Dot(763, 123),
Dot(75, 715),
Dot(820, 506),
Dot(1285, 40),
Dot(242, 712),
Dot(475, 1),
Dot(453, 722),
Dot(965, 793),
Dot(475, 212),
Dot(201, 610),
Dot(333, 280),
Dot(934, 103),
Dot(570, 488),
Dot(1126, 10),
Dot(380, 404),
Dot(256, 332),
Dot(818, 311),
Dot(1179, 257),
Dot(725, 19),
Dot(131, 49),
Dot(947, 283),
Dot(84, 128),
Dot(402, 798),
Dot(544, 68),
Dot(835, 1),
Dot(637, 345),
Dot(846, 77),
Dot(117, 445),
Dot(599, 107),
Dot(755, 371),
Dot(596, 582),
Dot(216, 93),
Dot(32, 775),
Dot(999, 409),
Dot(50, 693),
Dot(184, 231),
Dot(343, 436),
Dot(768, 17),
Dot(507, 409),
Dot(880, 379),
Dot(1000, 700),
Dot(1266, 824),
Dot(529, 675),
Dot(119, 278),
Dot(284, 477),
Dot(1305, 280),
Dot(226, 582),
Dot(353, 854),
Dot(1238, 360),
Dot(1048, 476),
Dot(1079, 887),
Dot(960, 518),
Dot(619, 445),
Dot(530, 75),
Dot(863, 390),
Dot(972, 770),
Dot(759, 191),
Dot(1235, 390),
Dot(813, 218),
Dot(775, 728),
Dot(199, 1),
Dot(1283, 649),
Dot(800, 221),
Dot(1183, 416),
Dot(10, 87),
Dot(199, 809),
Dot(1272, 505),
Dot(1099, 775),
Dot(730, 574),
Dot(803, 436),
Dot(10, 135),
Dot(1118, 330),
Dot(1186, 150),
Dot(1200, 600),
Dot(179, 95),
Dot(1228, 648),
Dot(1218, 673),
Dot(731, 403),
Dot(780, 744),
Dot(763, 238),
Dot(1258, 765),
Dot(209, 140),
Dot(572, 618),
Dot(631, 211),
Dot(1081, 115),
Dot(584, 592),
Dot(432, 868),
Dot(787, 413),
Dot(700, 518),
Dot(555, 12),
Dot(1265, 670),
Dot(350, 312),
Dot(599, 659),
Dot(90, 823),
Dot(678, 312),
Dot(99, 523),
Dot(455, 1),
Dot(851, 49),
Dot(743, 660),
Dot(714, 694),
Dot(102, 14),
Dot(1183, 484),
Dot(870, 548),
Dot(242, 800),
Dot(759, 255),
Dot(200, 712),
Dot(110, 404),
Dot(1190, 865),
Dot(441, 553),
Dot(427, 289),
Dot(577, 819),
Dot(1198, 521),
Dot(1022, 57),
Dot(946, 252),
Dot(852, 117),
Dot(535, 166),
Dot(1146, 871),
Dot(937, 130),
Dot(1009, 294),
Dot(855, 746),
Dot(301, 619),
Dot(908, 798),
Dot(1255, 100),
Dot(1047, 236),
Dot(1004, 127),
Dot(683, 649),
Dot(596, 312),
Dot(189, 592),
Dot(584, 85),
Dot(107, 603),
Dot(734, 705),
Dot(1255, 794),
Dot(671, 37),
Dot(316, 816),
Dot(1183, 148),
Dot(599, 802),
Dot(999, 555),
Dot(131, 845),
Dot(842, 630),
Dot(1094, 435),
Dot(684, 493),
Dot(1038, 257),
Dot(17, 292),
Dot(1208, 14),
Dot(58, 582),
Dot(503, 691),
Dot(338, 684),
Dot(1225, 75),
Dot(818, 759),
Dot(227, 289),
Dot(649, 815),
Dot(835, 95),
Dot(447, 838),
Dot(468, 630),
Dot(196, 119),
Dot(1228, 366),
Dot(155, 70),
Dot(927, 18),
Dot(145, 129),
Dot(488, 285),
Dot(1255, 660),
Dot(338, 236),
Dot(684, 401),
Dot(1123, 501),
Dot(244, 210),
Dot(44, 70),
Dot(972, 322),
Dot(964, 333),
Dot(190, 301),
Dot(1260, 878),
Dot(555, 289),
Dot(738, 17),
Dot(574, 687),
Dot(821, 322),
Dot(294, 119),
Dot(1124, 261),
Dot(8, 864),
Dot(97, 633),
Dot(741, 560),
Dot(401, 107),
Dot(560, 313),
Dot(1252, 200),
Dot(1273, 508),
Dot(803, 485),
Dot(25, 294),
Dot(1193, 449),
Dot(266, 520),
Dot(927, 100),
Dot(848, 668),
Dot(1300, 135),
Dot(430, 379),
Dot(398, 809),
Dot(1285, 376),
Dot(70, 533),
Dot(800, 673),
Dot(869, 553),
Dot(552, 432),
Dot(736, 207),
Dot(227, 658),
Dot(202, 523),
Dot(1096, 414),
Dot(1300, 807),
Dot(611, 386),
Dot(1124, 40),
Dot(194, 768),
Dot(786, 789),
Dot(428, 134),
Dot(125, 610),
Dot(301, 723),
Dot(637, 154),
Dot(1114, 119),
Dot(1166, 597),
Dot(1253, 276),
Dot(373, 757),
Dot(842, 854),
Dot(447, 56),
Dot(338, 592),
Dot(1186, 819),
Dot(412, 766),
Dot(1042, 700),
Dot(529, 50),
Dot(932, 130),
Dot(914, 469),
Dot(766, 765),
Dot(1274, 549),
Dot(253, 555),
Dot(55, 787),
Dot(142, 630),
Dot(567, 423),
Dot(1054, 292),
Dot(584, 816),
Dot(870, 775),
Dot(530, 744),
Dot(560, 761),
Dot(376, 791),
Dot(127, 746),
Dot(142, 679),
Dot(383, 354),
Dot(1213, 185),
Dot(147, 458),
Dot(619, 449),
Dot(17, 549),
Dot(1292, 113),
Dot(830, 115),
Dot(1290, 711),
Dot(579, 627),
Dot(594, 744),
Dot(459, 49),
Dot(17, 101),
Dot(960, 312),
Dot(1114, 103),
Dot(962, 331),
Dot(510, 221),
Dot(960, 648),
Dot(808, 40),
Dot(1158, 854),
Dot(453, 31),
Dot(445, 757),
Dot(972, 722),
Dot(82, 648),
Dot(84, 766),
Dot(252, 350),
Dot(656, 673),
Dot(994, 572),
Dot(242, 576),
Dot(438, 93),
Dot(972, 684),
Dot(930, 765),
Dot(810, 366),
Dot(1245, 219),
Dot(796, 630),
Dot(912, 85),
Dot(851, 553),
Dot(590, 362),
Dot(522, 768),
Dot(1223, 471),
Dot(912, 187),
Dot(1000, 194),
Dot(455, 61),
Dot(1140, 882),
Dot(142, 862),
Dot(440, 548),
Dot(310, 194),
Dot(579, 267),
Dot(335, 527),
Dot(52, 129),
Dot(338, 572),
Dot(52, 317),
Dot(249, 334),
Dot(428, 456),
Dot(1240, 592),
Dot(649, 127),
Dot(1235, 715),
Dot(720, 532),
Dot(976, 236),
Dot(855, 820),
Dot(58, 694),
Dot(1019, 803),
Dot(1016, 119),
Dot(338, 302),
Dot(360, 441),
Dot(631, 277),
Dot(360, 119),
Dot(388, 374),
Dot(1054, 332),
Dot(398, 292),
Dot(1240, 361),
Dot(781, 675),
Dot(199, 746),
Dot(338, 266),
Dot(1068, 94),
Dot(1144, 733),
Dot(1191, 838),
Dot(1293, 101),
Dot(190, 593),
Dot(572, 17),
Dot(187, 393),
Dot(35, 673),
Dot(604, 878),
Dot(960, 376),
Dot(1285, 742),
Dot(1153, 767),
Dot(907, 229),
Dot(1236, 171),
Dot(74, 798),
Dot(529, 844),
Dot(304, 742),
Dot(1111, 509),
Dot(1186, 75),
Dot(330, 789),
Dot(902, 836),
Dot(507, 807),
Dot(594, 150),
Dot(1150, 824),
Dot(350, 648),
Dot(460, 374),
Dot(637, 602),
Dot(443, 775),
Dot(1029, 585),
Dot(1006, 152),
Dot(855, 74),
Dot(989, 367),
Dot(945, 308),
Dot(654, 673),
Dot(599, 115),
Dot(1148, 388),
Dot(1185, 442),
Dot(972, 266),
Dot(1247, 485),
Dot(57, 618),
Dot(1068, 383),
Dot(160, 525),
Dot(1006, 182),
Dot(82, 528),
Dot(542, 877),
Dot(189, 144),
Dot(515, 607),
Dot(950, 329),
Dot(335, 367),
Dot(927, 502),
Dot(808, 722),
Dot(790, 513),
Dot(147, 893),
Dot(1211, 630),
Dot(117, 683),
Dot(1247, 261),
Dot(380, 577),
Dot(338, 628),
Dot(1240, 85),
Dot(966, 194),
Dot(85, 819),
Dot(229, 331),
Dot(1115, 789),
Dot(100, 57),
Dot(534, 641),
Dot(857, 722),
Dot(867, 551),
Dot(15, 779),
Dot(1226, 847),
Dot(1101, 11),
Dot(701, 590),
Dot(1111, 522),
Dot(410, 246),
Dot(679, 375),
Dot(1275, 673),
Dot(161, 453),
Dot(1208, 822),
Dot(1163, 458),
Dot(244, 684),
Dot(169, 767),
Dot(490, 506),
Dot(25, 40),
Dot(1111, 677),
Dot(20, 403),
Dot(271, 115),
Dot(1094, 660),
Dot(527, 333),
Dot(92, 673),
Dot(838, 745),
Dot(1039, 100),
Dot(950, 791),
Dot(1279, 161),
Dot(401, 787),
Dot(291, 49),
Dot(883, 68),
Dot(644, 583),
Dot(1138, 528),
Dot(858, 696),
Dot(323, 448),
Dot(840, 231),
Dot(1150, 593),
Dot(165, 472),
Dot(885, 709),
Dot(1171, 123),
Dot(1275, 91),
Dot(410, 210),
Dot(664, 10),
Dot(200, 182),
Dot(363, 283),
Dot(529, 610),
Dot(1216, 399),
Dot(992, 478),
Dot(1266, 70),
Dot(194, 40),
Dot(681, 376),
Dot(753, 277),
Dot(857, 303),
Dot(1006, 742),
Dot(609, 670),
Dot(842, 712),
Dot(1131, 767),
Dot(579, 665),
Dot(1109, 610),
Dot(80, 239),
Dot(1240, 816),
Dot(69, 427),
Dot(557, 386),
Dot(781, 284),
Dot(494, 824),
Dot(160, 77),
Dot(36, 252),
Dot(838, 149),
Dot(325, 469),
Dot(611, 610),
Dot(599, 0),
Dot(612, 635),
Dot(979, 446),
Dot(887, 887),
Dot(974, 478),
Dot(609, 130),
Dot(551, 479),
Dot(345, 101),
Dot(343, 781),
Dot(880, 462),
Dot(726, 533),
Dot(164, 871),
Dot(1300, 124),
Dot(780, 408),
Dot(627, 649),
Dot(1246, 362),
Dot(1200, 404),
Dot(398, 1),
Dot(172, 528),
Dot(994, 322),
Dot(572, 528),
Dot(360, 775),
Dot(380, 490),
Dot(783, 522),
Dot(27, 649),
Dot(1278, 329),
Dot(1255, 110),
Dot(27, 245),
Dot(679, 617),
Dot(64, 362),
Dot(58, 418),
Dot(1230, 574),
Dot(281, 254),
Dot(408, 126),
Dot(701, 140),
Dot(659, 448),
Dot(971, 721),
Dot(766, 129),
Dot(671, 115),
Dot(1252, 582),
Dot(271, 840),
Dot(957, 40),
Dot(570, 406),
Dot(110, 490),
Dot(634, 543),
Dot(304, 152),
Dot(699, 610),
Dot(1131, 212),
Dot(1226, 511),
Dot(296, 598),
Dot(773, 30),
Dot(1223, 660),
Dot(693, 586),
Dot(84, 847),
Dot(1208, 72),
Dot(338, 722),
Dot(164, 785),
Dot(924, 418),
Dot(1240, 740),
Dot(75, 504),
Dot(330, 105),
Dot(455, 746),
Dot(842, 264),
Dot(818, 358),
enum Fold {
case x(Int)
case y(Int)
let folds: [Fold] = [

2021/day14.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
struct Day14: Puzzle {
mutating func run() {
let part1 = calculate(start, depth: 10)
print("Part 1:", part1.values.max()! - part1.values.min()!)
let part2 = calculate(start, depth: 40)
print("Part 2:", part2.values.max()! - part2.values.min()!)
mutating func calculate(_ string: String, depth: Int) -> [Character: Int] {
var result: [Character: Int] = [:]
for (a, b) in zip(string, string.dropFirst()) {
result.merge(calculate(a, b, depth: depth), uniquingKeysWith: +)
result[string.last!, default: 0] += 1
return result
struct CacheKey: Hashable {
var string: String
var depth: Int
var cache: [CacheKey: [Character: Int]] = [:]
mutating func calculate(_ first: Character, _ second: Character, depth: Int) -> [Character: Int] {
guard depth > 0 else {
return [first: 1]
let pair = "\(first)\(second)"
let cacheKey = CacheKey(string: pair, depth: depth)
if let result = cache[cacheKey] {
return result
let mid = mapping[pair]!
var result = calculate(first, mid, depth: depth - 1)
result.merge(calculate(mid, second, depth: depth - 1), uniquingKeysWith: +)
cache[cacheKey] = result
return result
let mapping: [String: Character] = [
"OP": "H",
"CF": "C",
"BB": "V",
"KH": "O",
"CV": "S",
"FV": "O",
"FS": "K",
"KO": "C",
"PP": "S",
"SH": "K",
"FH": "O",
"NF": "H",
"PN": "P",
"BO": "H",
"OK": "K",
"PO": "P",
"SF": "K",
"BF": "P",
"HH": "S",
"KP": "H",
"HB": "N",
"NP": "V",
"KK": "P",
"PF": "P",
"BK": "V",
"OF": "H",
"FO": "S",
"VC": "P",
"FK": "B",
"NK": "S",
"CB": "B",
"PV": "C",
"CO": "N",
"BN": "C",
"HV": "H",
"OC": "N",
"NB": "O",
"CS": "S",
"HK": "C",
"VS": "F",
"BH": "C",
"PC": "S",
"KC": "O",
"VO": "P",
"FB": "K",
"BV": "V",
"VN": "N",
"ON": "F",
"VH": "H",
"CN": "O",
"HO": "O",
"SV": "O",
"SS": "H",
"KF": "N",
"SP": "C",
"NS": "V",
"SO": "F",
"BC": "P",
"HC": "C",
"FP": "H",
"OH": "S",
"OB": "S",
"HF": "V",
"SC": "B",
"SN": "N",
"VK": "C",
"NC": "V",
"VV": "S",
"SK": "K",
"PK": "K",
"PS": "N",
"KB": "S",
"KS": "C",
"NN": "C",
"OO": "C",
"BS": "B",
"NV": "H",
"FF": "P",
"FC": "N",
"OS": "H",
"KN": "N",
"VP": "B",
"PH": "N",
"NH": "S",
"OV": "O",
"FN": "V",
"CP": "B",
"NO": "V",
"CK": "C",
"VF": "B",
"HS": "B",
"KV": "K",
"VB": "H",
"SB": "S",
"BP": "S",
"CC": "F",
"HP": "B",
"PB": "P",
"HN": "P",
"CH": "O",

2021/day15.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
struct Day15: Puzzle {
mutating func run() {
let part1 = find(target: Point(x: width - 1, y: height - 1))
print("Part 1:", part1)
let part2 = find(target: Point(x: 5 * width - 1, y: 5 * height - 1))
print("Part 2:", part2)
struct Point: Hashable {
var x: Int
var y: Int
var neighbors: [Point] {
Point(x: x - 1, y: y),
Point(x: x + 1, y: y),
Point(x: x, y: y - 1),
Point(x: x, y: y + 1)
func find(target: Point) -> Int {
var current = Point(x: 0, y: 0)
var totalCost = 0
var possible: [Point: Int] = [:]
var visited: Set<Point> = []
func isInside(_ point: Point) -> Bool { ~= point.x && ~= point.y
while current != target {
for n in current.neighbors where isInside(n) && !visited.contains(n) {
possible[n] = min(possible[n, default: .max], totalCost + self[n])
(current, totalCost) = possible.min { $0.value < $1.value }!
possible.removeValue(forKey: current)
return totalCost
subscript(point: Point) -> Int {
self[point.x , point.y]
subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
let repX = x / width
let xPos = x % width
let repY = y / height
let yPos = y % height
return (input[xPos + width * yPos] + repX + repY - 1) % 9 + 1
let width = 100
let height = 100
let input: [Int] = """
""".compactMap { $0.wholeNumberValue }

2021/day16.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
struct Day16: Puzzle {
mutating func run() {
var start = Cursor.start
let part2 = packet(at: &start)
print("Part 1:", versionSum)
print("Part 2:", part2)
var versionSum = 0
mutating func packet(at cursor: inout Cursor) -> UInt64 {
let version = getBits(at: &cursor, count: 3)
let type = getBits(at: &cursor, count: 3)
versionSum += Int(version)
if type == 4 {
return literal(at: &cursor)
let subPackets = operatorPacket(at: &cursor)
switch type {
case 0: return subPackets.reduce(0, +)
case 1: return subPackets.reduce(1, *)
case 2: return subPackets.min()!
case 3: return subPackets.max()!
case 5: return subPackets[0] > subPackets[1] ? 1 : 0
case 6: return subPackets[0] < subPackets[1] ? 1 : 0
case 7: return subPackets[0] == subPackets[1] ? 1 : 0
default: fatalError("Unknown packet type \(type)")
func literal(at cursor: inout Cursor) -> UInt64 {
var result: UInt64 = 0
while getBit(at: &cursor) {
result = result << 4 | getBits(at: &cursor, count: 4)
result = result << 4 | getBits(at: &cursor, count: 4)
return result
mutating func operatorPacket(at cursor: inout Cursor) -> [UInt64] {
let type = getBit(at: &cursor)
var result: [UInt64] = []
if type {
let count = getBits(at: &cursor, count: 11)
for _ in 0..<count {
result.append(packet(at: &cursor))
} else {
let length = getBits(at: &cursor, count: 15)
let end = cursor.adding(bits: Int(length))
while cursor < end {
result.append(packet(at: &cursor))
return result
struct Cursor: Equatable {
var offset: Int
var bit: Int
static let start = Cursor(offset: 0, bit: 0)
var remainingBits: Int { 4 - bit }
mutating func skip(_ bits: Int) {
bit += bits
offset += bit / 4
bit = bit % 4
func adding(bits: Int) -> Cursor {
var result = self
return result
var bitPos: Int {
offset * 4 + bit
static func < (lhs: Cursor, rhs: Cursor) -> Bool {
lhs.bitPos < rhs.bitPos
func getBit(at cursor: inout Cursor) -> Bool {
getBits(at: &cursor, count: 1) == 1
func getBitRange(_ x: Int, start: Int, count: Int) -> UInt64 {
let mask = UInt64((1 << count) - 1)
let shift = 4 - count - start
precondition(shift >= 0)
return UInt64(x) >> shift & mask
func getBits(at cursor: inout Cursor, count: Int) -> UInt64 {
var remaining = count
var result: UInt64 = 0
while remaining > 0 {
let take = min(cursor.remainingBits, remaining)
let bits = getBitRange(input[cursor.offset], start: cursor.bit, count: take)
result = result << take | bits
remaining -= take
cursor.bit += take
if cursor.bit == 4 {
cursor.bit = 0
cursor.offset += 1
return result
let input = """
""".compactMap { $0.hexDigitValue }

2021/day17.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
struct Day17: Puzzle {
func run() {
var maxHeight: Int = 0
var count = 0
for speedX in 1..<300 {
for speedY in -600..<300 {
if case .hit(let height) = run(vx: speedX, vy: speedY) {
maxHeight = max(height, maxHeight)
count += 1
print("Part 1:", maxHeight)
print("Part 2:", count)
enum Result {
case tooFar
case tooShort
case hit(height: Int)
struct Vector: Hashable {
var x: Int
var y: Int
func run(vx: Int, vy: Int) -> Result {
var state = State(vx: vx, vy: vy)
while state.x <= xMax && state.y >= yMin {
if xMin...xMax ~= state.x && yMin...yMax ~= state.y {
return .hit(height: state.maxHeight)
if state.x > xMax {
return .tooFar
return .tooShort
struct State {
var vx: Int
var vy: Int
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
var maxHeight = 0
mutating func step() {
if y > maxHeight {
maxHeight = y
x += vx
y += vy
vx -= vx.signum()
vy -= 1
// target area: x=138..184, y=-125..-71
let xMin = 138
let xMax = 184
let yMin = -125
let yMax = -71

2021/day18.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
import Foundation
struct Day18: Puzzle {
func run() {
let pairs = Scanner(string: input).all()
let first = pairs[0]
let result = pairs.dropFirst().reduce(first, +)
print("Part 1:", result.magnitude())
var largest = 0
for a in pairs {
for b in pairs where a !== b {
largest = max(largest, (a + b).magnitude())
largest = max(largest, (b + a).magnitude())
print("Part 2:", largest)
extension Scanner {
func pair() -> Pair? {
guard scanString("[") != nil else { return nil }
guard let leftPart = part() else { return nil }
guard scanString(",") != nil else { return nil }
guard let rightPart = part() else { return nil }
guard scanString("]") != nil else { return nil }
return Pair(leftPart, rightPart)
func part() -> Number? {
if let digits = scanInt() {
return Regular(value: digits)
return pair()
func all() -> [Pair] {
var result: [Pair] = []
while let pair = self.pair() {
return result
struct ExplodeContext {
var lastRegular: Regular? = nil
var addToNextNumber: Int? = nil
var didExplode = false
enum Action {
case goOn
case stop
case replace(Number)
protocol Number: AnyObject {
func toString() -> String
func visitExplode(depth: Int, context: inout ExplodeContext) -> Action
func visitSplit(didSplit: inout Bool) -> Action
func magnitude() -> Int
func copy() -> Number
extension Number where Self == Pair {
static func parse(_ string: String) -> Self {
Scanner(string: string).pair()!
class Regular: Number {
var value: Int
init(value: Int) {
self.value = value
func toString() -> String {
func visitExplode(depth: Int, context: inout ExplodeContext) -> Action {
if let add = context.addToNextNumber {
value += add
return .stop
context.lastRegular = self
return .goOn
func visitSplit(didSplit: inout Bool) -> Action {
if value >= 10 {
let first = value / 2
didSplit = true
return .replace(Pair(Regular(value: first), Regular(value: value - first)))
return .goOn
func magnitude() -> Int {
func copy() -> Number { Regular(value: value) }
class Pair: Number {
var left: Number
var right: Number
init(_ left: Number, _ right: Number) {
self.left = left
self.right = right
func toString() -> String {
"[\(left.toString()), \(right.toString())]"
func splitFirst() -> Bool {
var didSplit = false
_ = visitSplit(didSplit: &didSplit)
return didSplit
func explodeFirst() -> Bool {
var context = ExplodeContext()
_ = visitExplode(depth: 0, context: &context)
return context.didExplode
func reduce() -> Pair {
while true {
if explodeFirst() { continue }
if splitFirst() { continue }
return self
func visitExplode(depth: Int, context: inout ExplodeContext) -> Action {
if !context.didExplode && depth == 4 {
context.lastRegular?.value += (left as! Regular).value
context.addToNextNumber = (right as! Regular).value
context.didExplode = true
return .replace(Regular(value: 0))
switch left.visitExplode(depth: depth + 1, context: &context) {
case .goOn:
case .stop:
return .stop
case .replace(let number):
left = number
let result = right.visitExplode(depth: depth + 1, context: &context)
switch result {
case .goOn:
return .goOn
case .stop:
return .stop
case .replace(let number):
right = number
return .goOn
func visitSplit(didSplit: inout Bool) -> Action {
switch left.visitSplit(didSplit: &didSplit) {
case .goOn: break
case .stop: return .stop
case .replace(let new):
left = new
return .stop
switch right.visitSplit(didSplit: &didSplit) {
case .goOn: return .goOn
case .stop: return .stop
case .replace(let new):
right = new
return .stop
func magnitude() -> Int {
3 * left.magnitude() + 2 * right.magnitude()
func copy() -> Number {
Pair(left.copy(), right.copy())
func +(lhs: Number, rhs: Number) -> Pair {
Pair(lhs.copy(), rhs.copy()).reduce()
let input = """

2021/day19.swift Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

2021/day2.hs Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

2021/day20.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
struct Day20: Puzzle {
func run() {
var image = Image(input)
for i in 0..<50 {
image = map)
if i == 1 {
print("Part 1:", image.countLitPixels())
print("Part 2:", image.countLitPixels())
struct Image {
var width: Int
var height: Int
var pixels: [Bool]
var border: Bool
init(_ string: String) {
pixels = []
width = 0
height = 1
border = false
for char in string {
if char.isNewline {
width = 0
height += 1
pixels.append(char == "#")
width += 1
init(width: Int, height: Int, border: Bool) {
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.border = border
self.pixels = Array(repeating: false, count: width * height)
subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Bool {
get {
guard 0..<width ~= x && 0..<height ~= y else {
return border
return pixels[x + width * y]
set {
precondition(0..<width ~= x && 0..<height ~= y)
pixels[x + width * y] = newValue
var borderIndex: Int { border ? 7 : 0 }
func lookupIndex(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
var index = 0
for i in -1...1 {
for j in -1...1 {
index = index << 1 | (self[x + j, y + i] ? 1 : 0)
return index
func run(map: [Bool]) -> Image {
var outputImage = Image(width: width + 2, height: height + 2, border: map[borderIndex])
for y in -1...height {
for x in -1...width {
outputImage[x + 1, y + 1] = map[lookupIndex(x: x, y: y)]
return outputImage
func countLitPixels() -> Int {
pixels.lazy.filter { $0 }.count
let map = "#####.#.###.###.#.#.####.#####.####.#..####.##.####...##......#.##.##.#.#..#.##.###.#.#.#.##.#..#.####.#.#.##.#..........###.##...#.#...#.#.###..#...##.####.##...###.....##..##..##.#......#.#.##.#.#.##.#.......###.##.#.###.##..##.......##....#.##....#..###.######.##...##.##...#.#.##...##.##.#....##.####..#..#..##.##.#.#..#....#######.###.##...#.####..#.#.#.##...##..##.#.#.#.##.#.......###..######..###..##......###..###.#.#.#.......#.....##.#.##..#.##.#.##.####..#.##....##.#.#..#.####.##.#.#.##...#..##.####."
.map { $0 == "#" }
let input = """

2021/day21.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
struct Day21: Puzzle {
func run() {
let player1 = Player(position: 6)
let player2 = Player(position: 7)
func part1() {
var die = Die()
var player1 = player1
var player2 = player2
while true {
if player1.move(die.roll3()) >= 1000 {
print("Part 1: Player 1 won. ", die.rolls * player2.score)
if player2.move(die.roll3()) >= 1000 {
print("Part 1: Player 2 won. ", die.rolls * player1.score)
func part2() {
var universes: [Universe: Int] = [Universe(player1: player1, player2: player2): 1]
var player1Wins = 0
var player2Wins = 0
while !universes.isEmpty {
var newUniverses: [Universe: Int] = [:]
for (universe, universeCount) in universes {
for (offset, player1RollCount) in rollCounts.enumerated() {
var u = universe
if u.player1.move(offset + minRoll) >= quantumMax {
player1Wins += universeCount * player1RollCount
for (offset, player2RollCount) in rollCounts.enumerated() {
var u2 = u
if u2.player2.move(offset + minRoll) >= quantumMax {
player2Wins += universeCount * player1RollCount * player2RollCount
newUniverses[u2, default: 0] += universeCount * player1RollCount * player2RollCount
universes = newUniverses
print("Part 2: ", max(player1Wins, player2Wins))
let quantumMax = 21
let minRoll = 3
// 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
let rollCounts = [1, 3, 6, 7, 6, 3, 1]
struct Universe: Hashable {
var player1: Player
var player2: Player
struct Player: Hashable {
var position: Int
var score: Int = 0
mutating func move(_ roll: Int) -> Int {
position = 1 + (position + roll - 1) % 10
score += position
return score
struct Die {
var rolls = 0
var nextRoll = 1
mutating func roll() -> Int {
defer {
rolls += 1
nextRoll += 1
return nextRoll
mutating func roll3() -> Int {
roll() + roll() + roll()

2021/day22.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
import Foundation
struct Day22: Puzzle {
func run() {
let scanner = Scanner(string: input)
var cubes: [Cube] = []
while !scanner.isAtEnd {
var xStepsSet: Set<Int> = []
var yStepsSet: Set<Int> = []
var zStepsSet: Set<Int> = []
for cube in cubes {
xStepsSet.insert(cube.end.x + 1)
yStepsSet.insert(cube.end.y + 1)
zStepsSet.insert(cube.end.z + 1)
var xSteps = xStepsSet.sorted()
var ySteps = yStepsSet.sorted()
var zSteps = zStepsSet.sorted()
let firstX = xSteps.removeFirst()
let firstY = ySteps.removeFirst()
let firstZ = zSteps.removeFirst()
var part1 = 0
var part2 = 0
var x0 = firstX
for x in xSteps {
let possibleX = cubes.filter { $0.xRange.overlaps(x0..<x) }
var y0 = firstY
let px0 = max(x0, -50)
let px = min(x, 50)
for y in ySteps {
let possibleY = possibleX.filter { $0.yRange.overlaps(y0..<y) }
var z0 = firstZ
let py0 = max(y0, -50)
let py = min(y, 50)
for z in zSteps {
let state = possibleY.lazy.reversed().first { $0.zRange.overlaps(z0..<z) }?.state ?? false
if state {
let pz0 = max(z0, -50)
let pz = min(z, 50)
if px0 < px && py0 < py && pz0 < pz {
part1 += (px - px0) * (py - py0) * (pz - pz0)
part2 += (x - x0) * (y - y0) * (z - z0)
z0 = z
y0 = y
x0 = x
print("Part 1:", part1)
print("Part 2:", part2)
struct Point: Hashable {
var x: Int
var y: Int
var z: Int
struct Cube {
var start: Point
var end: Point
var state: Bool
var xRange: ClosedRange<Int> { start.x...end.x }
var yRange: ClosedRange<Int> { start.y...end.y }
var zRange: ClosedRange<Int> { start.z...end.z }
func contains(_ point: Point) -> Bool {
xRange.contains(point.x) && yRange.contains(point.y) && zRange.contains(point.z)
extension Scanner {
func onOff() -> Bool {
if scanString("on") != nil {
return true
if (scanString("off") != nil) {
return false
fatalError("Invalid command")
func range() -> ClosedRange<Int> {
guard let min = scanInt(),
scanString("..") != nil,
let max = scanInt()
else {
fatalError("Invalid range")
return min...max
func line() -> (Bool, ClosedRange<Int>, ClosedRange<Int>, ClosedRange<Int>) {
let command = onOff()
guard scanString("x=") != nil else { fatalError() }
let xRange = range()
guard scanString(",y=") != nil else { fatalError() }
let yRange = range()
guard scanString(",z=") != nil else { fatalError() }
let zRange = range()
return (command, xRange, yRange, zRange)
func cube() -> Cube {
let (state, xrange, yrange, zrange) = line()
return Cube(
start: Point(x: xrange.lowerBound, y: yrange.lowerBound, z: zrange.lowerBound),
end: Point(x: xrange.upperBound, y: yrange.upperBound, z: zrange.upperBound),
state: state
let input = """
on x=-28..25,y=-34..15,z=-36..13
on x=-9..36,y=-2..43,z=-47..5
on x=-27..26,y=-7..41,z=-8..46
on x=-28..26,y=-11..39,z=-32..17
on x=-13..41,y=-30..24,z=-47..1
on x=-4..45,y=-48..-3,z=-39..13
on x=-49..-3,y=-29..20,z=-39..7
on x=-29..20,y=2..46,z=-31..15
on x=-10..34,y=-12..41,z=-15..32
on x=-12..41,y=-6..42,z=-22..28
off x=-8..9,y=-31..-21,z=-30..-11
on x=1..47,y=-30..16,z=-9..38
off x=-34..-16,y=-48..-31,z=9..25
on x=-29..19,y=-38..15,z=-34..20
off x=-3..12,y=25..34,z=-43..-32
on x=-36..17,y=-23..31,z=-29..16
off x=14..27,y=-30..-21,z=3..21
on x=-31..14,y=-36..8,z=-36..12
off x=24..34,y=-27..-10,z=-34..-17
on x=-33..14,y=-45..6,z=-42..2
on x=-84084..-49906,y=-34022..-13687,z=-26508..-7161
on x=-5505..17661,y=15376..39557,z=64634..85669
on x=-77470..-55853,y=-25906..-5142,z=-42096..-20083
on x=-44899..-13829,y=5050..26536,z=67119..86305
on x=-63460..-40980,y=33003..59169,z=25378..44440
on x=-17311..-1574,y=-86884..-62730,z=-54963..-35830
on x=26480..34369,y=39725..55309,z=-77095..-43655
on x=22634..49093,y=-13808..7138,z=-79760..-60071
on x=2496..13198,y=-73951..-53407,z=-43731..-30331
on x=-27451..-20414,y=1868..32906,z=-75318..-62730
on x=31848..53483,y=-73320..-63684,z=-24860..-14722
on x=6461..28672,y=1908..29124,z=-84376..-68877
on x=16931..39395,y=37598..63107,z=47860..60054
on x=14945..40546,y=-7317..549,z=-93498..-67762
on x=-85540..-58126,y=7461..23740,z=-29051..-17311
on x=38640..49114,y=55796..68805,z=-35888..-8915
on x=-25483..8215,y=32431..39809,z=70198..82364
on x=-3703..17675,y=61466..90313,z=16909..48922
on x=44604..75529,y=-22304..-6299,z=45999..60729
on x=-70454..-38359,y=25776..59602,z=-45661..-30347
on x=-20074..9993,y=56063..71942,z=-49242..-17209
on x=35569..59289,y=-52746..-21591,z=33105..49948
on x=-69553..-46700,y=-21120..10014,z=-78684..-51923
on x=-64276..-54684,y=41723..63992,z=-20013..-7784
on x=-1824..9573,y=66316..76607,z=23895..46349
on x=-54006..-31537,y=9127..34043,z=57224..87032
on x=61803..80774,y=-50282..-13511,z=-35593..-9531
on x=-65653..-36057,y=-71428..-40824,z=-50428..-20504
on x=-35635..-12972,y=-6991..2475,z=-88189..-59265
on x=67324..77277,y=12215..17359,z=9446..16623
on x=46320..63691,y=23806..30377,z=-62984..-38536
on x=-6894..13135,y=-44916..-38815,z=49846..79849
on x=-67348..-54769,y=-57422..-29061,z=25855..36474
on x=-28019..-23220,y=-60400..-37046,z=49526..71048
on x=-42960..-30831,y=-78337..-64643,z=-22038..12986
on x=-43601..-27531,y=-35599..-20965,z=52822..83732
on x=-85892..-68621,y=-10994..9023,z=-20838..-9147
on x=59413..97068,y=-22230..-1408,z=-3604..19485
on x=62228..85826,y=-31716..-2979,z=12114..36300
on x=46514..66369,y=-35480..1374,z=36011..51592
on x=-48685..-36357,y=55919..77922,z=-20577..-12176
on x=63584..82792,y=11027..31562,z=-43607..-35346
on x=-13917..12041,y=-73682..-62007,z=35642..62665
on x=45316..56476,y=13007..26619,z=45798..63220
on x=-58080..-47733,y=8079..17846,z=53185..62392
on x=2479..30325,y=-52517..-31422,z=-70357..-52270
on x=-39911..-29141,y=52574..71764,z=-33493..-5376
on x=75460..84989,y=-7735..-6452,z=-5685..823
on x=45533..71393,y=-47931..-13874,z=30994..40795
on x=-14338..7548,y=-96290..-65900,z=-14911..-8244
on x=39472..46973,y=-45007..-16123,z=-68972..-43340
on x=15323..43991,y=-79867..-60758,z=-46..13763
on x=-34857..-7822,y=70341..75898,z=22751..44742
on x=60051..71299,y=6656..26788,z=-46635..-29393
on x=46242..67391,y=-60111..-42428,z=-63406..-43389
on x=-35622..-13029,y=61821..88175,z=-19300..-3468
on x=45267..78654,y=940..23235,z=34829..52055
on x=-64544..-32718,y=-52424..-32259,z=-51391..-42170
on x=-45310..-38884,y=60663..76511,z=-20350..6437
on x=-19546..3011,y=-85555..-56269,z=-48635..-31142
on x=76489..97638,y=-35407..-9542,z=-22900..679
on x=-34856..-12798,y=57873..72105,z=28432..41250
on x=-12695..5075,y=-51326..-34170,z=60410..74327
on x=48950..55957,y=21833..41299,z=33762..48570
on x=-72062..-57619,y=-30380..-10079,z=-68295..-30427
on x=9722..29351,y=-48714..-33393,z=-78170..-44048
on x=8231..26025,y=-77925..-54037,z=-47724..-25194
on x=-95495..-73464,y=-7621..14339,z=-29593..-13088
on x=55959..79890,y=-5967..31737,z=-67844..-36315
on x=53044..74610,y=-30723..-8664,z=-43868..-14796
on x=-4307..16454,y=35270..42969,z=-81647..-68472
on x=45874..60812,y=-69404..-54747,z=-8298..-3138
on x=-41808..-29758,y=-75803..-46116,z=23276..33715
on x=-65837..-40686,y=-69179..-53790,z=-47995..-22105
on x=-9912..23894,y=-1700..23494,z=-97303..-62588
on x=19429..37260,y=-67376..-50156,z=-53512..-16652
on x=-57067..-52828,y=-12667..-9591,z=-67443..-58160
on x=-3523..27218,y=74994..90403,z=-3493..14395
on x=14169..48854,y=-1568..28900,z=-71852..-52553
on x=32821..57220,y=47717..78952,z=-34811..-13134
on x=-79129..-71287,y=-18716..3046,z=21374..41841
on x=-11439..14964,y=-16250..3021,z=65364..90013
on x=-38129..-32162,y=58740..80207,z=-9827..9520
on x=40614..58324,y=-11736..-1046,z=47782..68564
on x=68136..85433,y=19038..53903,z=-31789..4892
on x=6721..20772,y=74233..93387,z=-17766..5311
on x=-38118..-12460,y=-57425..-34797,z=55638..66558
on x=2737..32272,y=-76998..-55030,z=43688..49155
on x=12198..38223,y=-73791..-64926,z=31631..39745
on x=-20261..-2856,y=-74905..-54211,z=7861..34791
on x=19178..35422,y=-11638..11563,z=58261..77953
on x=-31001..1243,y=11174..27421,z=-83906..-70511
on x=26738..51818,y=41573..66947,z=5480..38191
on x=-4120..27825,y=-85989..-63889,z=-33571..-17260
on x=65955..73858,y=-30937..-20357,z=19699..51919
on x=59986..81449,y=-17094..-6765,z=-21325..4146
on x=-15287..13119,y=-67414..-61189,z=-46979..-43603
on x=-82390..-66004,y=-10271..3338,z=-38978..-23333
on x=48845..69167,y=43156..62169,z=6515..37326
on x=-29512..-18622,y=66618..85799,z=16557..37597
on x=-13680..11486,y=-73990..-52854,z=34292..59824
on x=16528..41696,y=-88669..-71438,z=6756..28376
on x=47386..68246,y=26567..41173,z=32881..45573
on x=41552..60418,y=-13177..5608,z=40188..72493
on x=-17271..1089,y=66757..90442,z=-8173..4840
on x=-83957..-59723,y=-5356..22092,z=-46860..-26958
on x=-66297..-47544,y=-37434..-22806,z=-60731..-47364
on x=-14961..-8051,y=-82471..-63555,z=-17655..1207
on x=4207..34538,y=61925..92475,z=-30435..-15910
on x=-17617..-10570,y=-95348..-63368,z=-16210..14719
on x=38496..55233,y=-64106..-40918,z=16863..31642
on x=50719..79640,y=-61152..-34221,z=-10774..9297
on x=-42969..-7619,y=-26388..-18715,z=70740..87672
on x=-47929..-35133,y=49347..82369,z=-14714..10853
on x=-82604..-63475,y=-34831..-12713,z=-11929..4941
on x=29358..63182,y=8015..29986,z=54315..82349
on x=-20131..-1839,y=60333..80914,z=7967..29376
on x=9353..36272,y=59895..89044,z=-25822..3230
on x=43168..59888,y=-66721..-49667,z=32648..46482
on x=10941..29136,y=-72555..-53370,z=-54573..-35565
on x=11496..31590,y=-44959..-13029,z=53082..87310
on x=-43159..-20524,y=-3743..13835,z=-87866..-52777
on x=26627..54751,y=-43550..-24270,z=49732..64107
on x=28255..59585,y=43842..68816,z=-44115..-40179
on x=-66412..-55612,y=12166..35074,z=39006..51003
on x=6312..30405,y=57804..74608,z=39542..48278
on x=-14943..3493,y=10401..33502,z=-94020..-67669
on x=35476..48357,y=-61493..-38961,z=-71382..-32979
on x=20435..28523,y=7481..28051,z=-78353..-58295
on x=-83068..-71048,y=-23721..6279,z=-22062..-4203
on x=-51208..-17644,y=46982..85355,z=-40990..-15261
on x=547..20809,y=60044..87576,z=22999..55796
on x=-17902..-14415,y=-31625..-509,z=-87372..-60462
on x=566..30656,y=65157..93943,z=-10094..25356
on x=-57372..-44522,y=-43215..-4269,z=47571..76802
on x=51928..61917,y=27192..61997,z=16462..35892
on x=-91859..-77183,y=-25309..-6900,z=-6636..4658
on x=35451..49841,y=42840..59899,z=27902..37733
on x=46697..63066,y=-61951..-35956,z=-43402..-31431
on x=56820..85532,y=22368..37611,z=8181..29028
on x=3479..28543,y=-92950..-65707,z=-20147..3586
on x=-30715..-8102,y=-74389..-38791,z=41838..65462
on x=53923..84954,y=21345..48479,z=-31117..-22707
on x=30692..68472,y=51381..74010,z=-43163..-26289
on x=3963..13629,y=-82301..-68766,z=-32189..-28695
on x=-26230..-18986,y=48059..75879,z=33800..57890
on x=-11868..364,y=-17805..-6376,z=-87840..-69361
on x=-62123..-34039,y=53323..65684,z=-18759..11519
on x=-49686..-22329,y=44482..62763,z=-50165..-42433
on x=8295..16668,y=-21473..2954,z=72427..92773
on x=61061..82812,y=-34561..-15760,z=12195..29626
on x=18871..46026,y=45645..74462,z=34738..47404
on x=45250..66555,y=-51615..-23083,z=11910..48756
on x=-74771..-44970,y=-21127..-11037,z=-64988..-33929
on x=-28575..-24424,y=71792..78110,z=-18221..-8555
on x=-25338..-6923,y=-8631..16382,z=-96932..-68836
on x=-15816..8291,y=23502..46422,z=61737..75046
on x=24012..60280,y=-83721..-54294,z=7578..28977
on x=11501..29155,y=3402..11782,z=75736..82902
on x=-57546..-26246,y=36304..67304,z=-45286..-27281
on x=-6325..5065,y=22635..45274,z=-81700..-68260
on x=-66720..-54631,y=-61236..-46412,z=-5425..22854
on x=-72710..-48798,y=50508..64307,z=1333..13462
on x=13865..37998,y=51466..65722,z=36006..59077
on x=-28281..-7465,y=-68705..-40266,z=50853..66666
on x=-38630..-17127,y=-7930..4812,z=-74660..-58504
on x=20647..33497,y=-62711..-45250,z=-65188..-41498
on x=-81459..-63994,y=11465..40585,z=18212..44406
on x=-52840..-33789,y=-40941..-18153,z=40378..62402
on x=-53664..-41652,y=19752..32228,z=50381..70997
on x=-1080..23636,y=-33517..-25727,z=-86099..-57148
on x=-23319..-3146,y=24049..42456,z=-71419..-57820
on x=9982..44125,y=-22469..-5211,z=-89475..-57073
on x=-59300..-41829,y=25692..39878,z=-65256..-42734
on x=-47735..-38054,y=57249..66648,z=-43826..-25726
on x=-39553..-32542,y=5165..28643,z=55369..70627
on x=-12872..3087,y=-36519..-10753,z=60621..76591
on x=59192..83731,y=18036..35836,z=20877..51212
on x=26020..48490,y=12554..14377,z=-87022..-63383
on x=-11854..-4515,y=-12639..-5946,z=-85165..-60021
on x=-52581..-30843,y=59055..82392,z=-11397..22455
on x=-36423..-16444,y=29020..41390,z=-71107..-58690
on x=55463..71190,y=-39991..-27121,z=29306..33897
on x=-41896..-15502,y=-51414..-28802,z=-67096..-46901
on x=21576..51776,y=-40007..-10272,z=-84715..-46191
on x=8292..28045,y=6514..32122,z=66114..83717
on x=-66406..-58191,y=-43227..-14898,z=-59859..-26427
on x=65446..83471,y=-7820..13657,z=-50600..-32289
on x=35134..36286,y=-59572..-40161,z=-60756..-35239
on x=9254..29476,y=67387..82064,z=-6059..20274
on x=-53418..-42461,y=-25344..-8754,z=-68658..-59076
on x=-20702..-12302,y=61483..82828,z=-4045..12127
on x=-15861..5533,y=65152..81160,z=13062..33238
on x=-67682..-56916,y=-59758..-23693,z=-36108..-26134
on x=-19546..10161,y=-85094..-56733,z=-41987..-28045
on x=48091..80455,y=-55246..-43231,z=-2817..22958
on x=-77749..-58276,y=50507..63707,z=-10508..8335
on x=-64911..-37001,y=-62267..-44370,z=-47966..-28755
on x=62326..86674,y=-51021..-17862,z=-32602..-1819
on x=-70525..-48780,y=-47797..-19221,z=25331..55925
on x=-50427..-25959,y=-48504..-28133,z=49547..73361
on x=-73330..-63515,y=-35500..-23379,z=-5114..19001
off x=51657..61655,y=-4634..27427,z=-69455..-41980
off x=-84315..-77210,y=19373..36993,z=-21053..15930
on x=-22479..10246,y=-36815..-4914,z=-83609..-58867
off x=-55431..-27453,y=-5767..21070,z=60471..70160
off x=-5688..3205,y=873..13973,z=77366..82873
off x=-53425..-21862,y=41423..59744,z=-55084..-43328
on x=-22427..5852,y=-74250..-39007,z=37690..67662
on x=-63041..-49752,y=-75175..-41598,z=-28260..4287
off x=15413..50919,y=-63278..-30199,z=54233..71948
off x=37405..60088,y=-30130..-3727,z=50275..74270
on x=44953..76055,y=45013..54715,z=3402..24097
on x=4477..16728,y=585..26623,z=-96312..-73210
off x=-60707..-37806,y=33556..55805,z=-55830..-34506
on x=-43041..-34231,y=-75795..-62433,z=-39802..-6990
on x=7577..34465,y=63182..75089,z=-51613..-28445
on x=-40656..-32795,y=39054..59670,z=39143..61093
on x=61949..77774,y=-8028..6257,z=-25989..-7928
off x=62480..84973,y=-25581..6076,z=-51280..-37961
on x=-72929..-40057,y=-35351..-8508,z=-65932..-29811
off x=-65518..-39994,y=-279..16674,z=-73725..-40504
off x=-37297..-22465,y=-75675..-45041,z=39399..60052
off x=-52661..-19343,y=49842..69777,z=-49307..-28892
on x=16218..47208,y=-36176..-16797,z=62683..80721
off x=-46068..-21667,y=60526..77312,z=4157..8754
off x=34070..60691,y=-41133..-30172,z=-53958..-38014
off x=64392..81661,y=-45176..-23170,z=-14523..15457
off x=-15744..-7180,y=58905..69594,z=43007..61745
off x=-52963..-30458,y=-10496..7448,z=-83916..-66777
off x=69857..81390,y=-25485..-7871,z=5030..29910
on x=-60959..-46201,y=50105..71526,z=-45080..-16114
on x=18978..27486,y=55295..76687,z=-58694..-25206
off x=-6820..20202,y=61572..82949,z=17286..19675
on x=1728..22714,y=-70670..-51775,z=39263..62822
off x=-45895..-27411,y=-82575..-60562,z=-35050..-16558
off x=34247..55770,y=-32892..-572,z=49237..79617
off x=6279..24334,y=-76907..-57315,z=-58904..-36830
off x=-29510..-16989,y=69568..77772,z=14319..29972
on x=60510..76515,y=-9611..13786,z=-33980..-20539
on x=5371..24846,y=-53948..-32082,z=-72848..-59739
on x=-16322..-10658,y=-42921..-29325,z=-82769..-55636
on x=-33676..-21096,y=37528..59995,z=-58072..-30498
off x=-47215..-31769,y=55087..91254,z=-14424..-5524
off x=51272..71648,y=-9020..25748,z=48474..57714
on x=-14910..-9150,y=-31157..-7755,z=-86976..-75518
off x=-55245..-27776,y=-49766..-31808,z=42101..67152
on x=-69367..-63985,y=-2671..13295,z=-53128..-27235
on x=58929..86759,y=24302..53114,z=-4060..16704
off x=-47623..-41234,y=52703..55259,z=-54922..-38332
off x=234..33436,y=-38688..-18973,z=-78624..-64983
on x=-77931..-67269,y=-25142..-18496,z=2965..13641
off x=-35975..-19833,y=3648..26277,z=-89061..-67038
off x=47790..55618,y=38688..74556,z=10070..21478
on x=40666..45048,y=-82962..-64543,z=-4571..9994
on x=11044..15406,y=66273..95175,z=-5970..10319
off x=27658..45091,y=-13546..1126,z=47771..81258
off x=-51366..-27007,y=-44699..-24577,z=46267..69042
on x=-7039..14125,y=-67429..-36525,z=55266..77835
off x=-14528..14651,y=60280..82464,z=-5661..19789
off x=6049..22392,y=57922..78173,z=-68277..-33899
on x=5350..16965,y=-67738..-44461,z=50282..75195
on x=-29214..-16694,y=-8319..-575,z=66463..75789
off x=-15036..-8425,y=70237..95064,z=-4849..24023
off x=-53599..-37851,y=41971..53928,z=41571..46610
on x=-13677..2807,y=78384..91484,z=-25356..-8582
off x=24528..48582,y=62896..85790,z=12460..18522
on x=-48176..-33364,y=14289..15341,z=54092..87843
on x=-46960..-30174,y=-12120..6661,z=61935..70809
on x=3481..27256,y=12288..22963,z=-97219..-62916
off x=-28747..5507,y=17194..46753,z=-91768..-56220
off x=42783..58738,y=51060..58581,z=820..24693
on x=-49353..-37799,y=6360..36216,z=48187..77532
on x=52517..57152,y=-57632..-40065,z=-52048..-22663
off x=45577..82271,y=-53151..-34086,z=7606..27599
on x=-49439..-39837,y=30695..51461,z=-60976..-40779
off x=-66635..-46630,y=49057..63361,z=3526..12518
on x=54010..66216,y=36321..55042,z=-6269..24374
off x=4695..7233,y=455..14476,z=62747..89572
off x=-85493..-66739,y=2471..22091,z=-36223..-29382
off x=7884..18171,y=-68024..-45024,z=55300..75806
off x=43549..76092,y=49654..69738,z=1376..15517
off x=12346..17191,y=-4032..16643,z=72903..90015
on x=60703..73244,y=-20825..-3421,z=-57128..-36177
off x=-9866..20026,y=16321..41773,z=60404..85148
on x=29431..48382,y=48462..74606,z=41279..44993
on x=62612..79405,y=-5487..10920,z=-40427..-31710
off x=11859..30527,y=-34097..-19197,z=-73407..-51576
off x=63862..89056,y=21916..38067,z=-5939..30841
on x=40214..68256,y=25471..56425,z=-62984..-30420
on x=-25366..-18100,y=66147..95119,z=3805..18767
off x=68425..79895,y=-47516..-25384,z=15293..41106
on x=30487..56428,y=-1794..5876,z=51906..74514
off x=46653..51836,y=-76040..-44634,z=18181..37159
off x=-41608..-12051,y=72020..86112,z=-8983..14501
on x=-88247..-62536,y=-8129..11276,z=-24055..-4427
off x=3323..10767,y=59354..66158,z=-59632..-39108
on x=-76419..-67309,y=3713..37240,z=-37530..-11311
off x=-2144..12919,y=-54075..-34178,z=57045..63905
off x=62020..79582,y=-31594..-23121,z=-26597..-24909
off x=-17401..-9352,y=73039..84740,z=-44057..-13270
off x=-24093..-6768,y=57829..80320,z=-61101..-38285
on x=-11495..16269,y=-13453..-6215,z=63349..88399
on x=36287..58675,y=59742..70305,z=-17524..18377
off x=56801..73533,y=19040..42381,z=-1979..-474
on x=-58575..-33767,y=-25457..8768,z=-73498..-64326
off x=-12572..14666,y=-1123..34793,z=-83475..-75872
on x=-3033..9242,y=17802..28168,z=74794..85676
on x=2218..27568,y=67949..82818,z=-25004..-15400
off x=-6346..-4816,y=56884..81616,z=-27429..-3943
on x=854..25707,y=22958..43224,z=-82067..-52397
on x=32311..41886,y=-68875..-42153,z=-52635..-38254
off x=26308..38287,y=-83310..-60192,z=28347..48640
on x=-32295..-7848,y=-87573..-75370,z=-12081..5422
on x=-42105..-23185,y=-29547..-19413,z=-72177..-51007
on x=-14692..-9809,y=73589..83475,z=-36237..-2728
off x=-73543..-55115,y=23711..51688,z=-3991..1464
off x=-14534..22568,y=-54527..-44508,z=57714..69383
on x=-63081..-39714,y=-45491..-26566,z=-49886..-38562
off x=-93619..-68748,y=-16696..-4661,z=-30558..-4126
on x=-66806..-44552,y=37360..55716,z=35175..52862
on x=-6316..26070,y=-54927..-28748,z=-69954..-47453
off x=-78871..-50085,y=17954..32161,z=-36569..-23985
on x=6369..25338,y=67499..88203,z=-26047..-4496
on x=24755..54569,y=-67118..-37387,z=32897..50992
off x=46528..63982,y=-54598..-26438,z=37906..65831
on x=4634..24098,y=-45650..-35611,z=-67709..-58572
off x=44078..48115,y=-75447..-53188,z=-5442..33129
off x=-62868..-56634,y=46581..58996,z=-29362..-5667
on x=-6024..8438,y=65634..74871,z=-38003..-30673
off x=-59956..-46026,y=41808..66700,z=10165..36114
off x=-32873..-20372,y=-88729..-60899,z=-19758..7186
on x=-67393..-60159,y=-56680..-32136,z=-8305..17511
off x=-20681..3599,y=-92468..-57916,z=12916..28612
on x=-7301..9140,y=37170..58369,z=-72713..-47101
on x=66247..85599,y=3262..12242,z=-7260..4927
off x=-40965..-24082,y=-82146..-62002,z=20400..46309
off x=-70415..-51837,y=-56997..-42331,z=-875..19799
on x=57902..75722,y=35482..60227,z=-26389..-9051
off x=-22870..7672,y=-4882..25620,z=-87984..-60436
on x=3155..35881,y=-80545..-67121,z=-6933..22549
off x=-65134..-44685,y=-66218..-45701,z=21040..41162
on x=36126..69247,y=23453..60238,z=38126..59678
on x=55937..67003,y=6113..21587,z=45836..60761
off x=18451..41277,y=-70926..-44655,z=-60498..-33470
on x=-59038..-40083,y=-53819..-22588,z=-55419..-43900
on x=-22584..6019,y=59421..80916,z=29210..42933
on x=-33931..-15311,y=-76316..-51022,z=21445..40518
on x=42213..72279,y=-36048..-15004,z=26488..50017
on x=-28842..-8697,y=-68609..-44348,z=40673..64865
off x=-7167..8781,y=-3621..17677,z=-93905..-64435
off x=-82972..-60284,y=6678..34439,z=-3504..-1846
off x=-67834..-53928,y=-58517..-42067,z=-42608..-8421
off x=-4855..22956,y=9296..23886,z=-94874..-60207
off x=-79569..-70626,y=2629..27696,z=-22941..3340
on x=-10965..20710,y=51680..63775,z=45787..69225
off x=46280..63357,y=42031..64449,z=3459..25386
on x=-254..28129,y=-81371..-67737,z=21692..52613
on x=-2383..5437,y=66740..96837,z=10033..17517
off x=17147..30452,y=-91140..-71945,z=1097..25760
on x=-47454..-28074,y=-77661..-55440,z=-24637..-384
off x=-57862..-35813,y=19453..29451,z=39191..70727
off x=-57539..-22945,y=22003..33680,z=-67047..-49723
off x=-3162..20231,y=-54634..-42988,z=53582..62417
on x=-81550..-64507,y=-27996..-14746,z=-10531..-7267
off x=20586..40845,y=-81557..-67548,z=6923..34475
off x=22518..23900,y=-66351..-34420,z=51370..64347
on x=-49052..-35860,y=-19130..11213,z=61999..78547
off x=-34188..-18864,y=-81419..-70168,z=-37648..-12239
off x=77362..83490,y=2745..18791,z=8832..18419
on x=-32402..-14262,y=68320..76432,z=-35620..-15790
off x=67237..90757,y=4695..12771,z=-19624..10840
off x=27845..36686,y=-50404..-33761,z=-80878..-55141
off x=36370..69461,y=33759..65210,z=-54985..-28791
on x=-59135..-46273,y=7474..26326,z=-65975..-58673
on x=26877..52927,y=-79947..-54801,z=-2779..22702
off x=-71675..-51921,y=-59152..-34586,z=-8374..19519
on x=6403..17478,y=-75737..-58369,z=-71127..-34808
on x=13332..40836,y=-40399..-31096,z=-85343..-51700
off x=-67594..-49756,y=11777..23306,z=-64433..-55048
off x=21971..44163,y=52916..80818,z=-13270..-4413
on x=66677..74076,y=22958..42365,z=5671..22730
on x=-17496..17047,y=2018..35721,z=62177..87439
off x=-46335..-30771,y=12773..50699,z=45373..69810
on x=-82592..-68036,y=-13665..-9385,z=185..18296
off x=31849..55495,y=-68614..-40470,z=37173..62475
on x=-57887..-33776,y=-71721..-40636,z=-45..25174
off x=35969..44108,y=-5435..14452,z=-88200..-55792
on x=60659..86542,y=7942..20443,z=4839..32918
off x=50661..57689,y=-33927..-25875,z=46713..54231
on x=-30700..-7902,y=71035..78599,z=-30964..-7588
off x=769..24000,y=-68842..-41325,z=-63861..-53498
on x=-83517..-62573,y=-23803..5911,z=20605..50776
off x=-77447..-65015,y=-7232..20379,z=36322..47544
off x=54759..77852,y=-9847..18404,z=-54569..-25017
on x=8814..38891,y=44583..61983,z=27053..54606
off x=-32755..-26721,y=-27446..-17253,z=-80334..-52377
on x=23465..37441,y=-37240..-20297,z=-68128..-49025
on x=-5136..18927,y=17373..30697,z=66878..78408
on x=-29189..-6136,y=-76807..-52880,z=26943..52440

2021/day23.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
struct Day23: Puzzle {
func run() {
func part1() {
var board = Board(height: 3)
board.fillHomeRow(for: .a, pieces: [.c, .c])
board.fillHomeRow(for: .b, pieces: [.b, .d])
board.fillHomeRow(for: .c, pieces: [.a, .a])
board.fillHomeRow(for: .d, pieces: [.d, .b])
print("Part 1:", find(start: board))
func part2() {
var board = Board(height: 5)
board.fillHomeRow(for: .a, pieces: [.c, .d, .d, .c])
board.fillHomeRow(for: .b, pieces: [.b, .c, .b, .d])
board.fillHomeRow(for: .c, pieces: [.a, .b, .a, .a])
board.fillHomeRow(for: .d, pieces: [.d, .a, .c, .b])
print("Part 2:", find(start: board))
func find(start: Board) -> Int {
let target = Board.makeGoal(height: start.height)
var current = start
var totalCost = 0
var possible: [Board: Int] = [:]
var visited: Set<Board> = []
while current != target {
for (next, cost) in current.possibleMoves() where !visited.contains(next) {
possible[next] = min(possible[next, default: .max], totalCost + cost)
(current, totalCost) = possible.min { $0.value < $1.value }!
possible.removeValue(forKey: current)
return totalCost
struct Board: Hashable {
enum Piece: CaseIterable, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
case a, b, c, d
var homeColumn: Int {
switch self {
case .a:
return 2
case .b:
return 4
case .c:
return 6
case .d:
return 8
var cost: Int {
switch self {
case .a:
return 1
case .b:
return 10
case .c:
return 100
case .d:
return 1000
var sign: Character {
switch self {
case .a:
return "A"
case .b:
return "B"
case .c:
return "C"
case .d:
return "D"
var description: String { String(sign) }
enum Cell: Hashable {
case piece(Piece)
case empty
case outside
var width = 11
var height = 3
var board: [Cell]
init(height: Int) {
self.height = height
board = Array(repeating: .outside, count: width * height)
for x in 0..<width {
self[x, 0] = .empty
mutating func fillHomeRow(for piece: Piece, pieces: [Piece]) {
precondition(pieces.count == height - 1)
let x = piece.homeColumn
for (y, piece) in pieces.enumerated() {
self[x, y + 1] = .piece(piece)
static func makeGoal(height: Int) -> Self {
var board = Self(height: height)
for piece in Piece.allCases {
for y in 1..<board.height {
board[piece.homeColumn, y] = .piece(piece)
return board
func movablePieces() -> [(Piece, Int, Int)] {
var result: [(Piece, Int, Int)] = []
for x in 0..<width {
if case .piece(let piece) = self[x, 0] {
result.append((piece, x, 0))
for home in Piece.allCases {
let x = home.homeColumn
var y = 1
while y < height, case .empty = self[x, y] {
y += 1
if y < height, case let .piece(piece) = self[x, y] {
result.append((piece, x, y))
return result
func possibleMoves() -> [(Board, Int)] {
let pieces = movablePieces()
.filter { !isHome(piece: $0.0, x: $0.1, y: $0.2) }
var result: [(Board, Int)] = []
for (piece, x, y) in pieces {
if let newY = freeHomeRowPosition(piece: piece), freeCorridor(from: x, to: piece.homeColumn) {
result.append(move(piece: piece, from: (x, y), to: (piece.homeColumn, newY)))
for newX in openCorridorPositions(x: x) {
result.append(move(piece: piece, from: (x, y), to: (newX, 0)))
return result
func freeCorridor(from x0: Int, to x1: Int) -> Bool {
let minX: Int
let maxX: Int
if x0 < x1 { (minX, maxX) = (x0 + 1, x1) }
else { (minX, maxX) = (x1, x0 - 1) }
for x in minX...maxX {
if self[x, 0] != .empty {
return false
return true
func move(piece: Piece, from: (Int, Int), to: (Int, Int)) -> (Board, Int) {
let (x, y) = from
let (newX, newY) = to
precondition(self[newX,newY] == .empty)
let cost = (y + distance((x, 0), (newX, newY))) * piece.cost
var board = self
board[x, y] = .empty
board[newX, newY] = .piece(piece)
return (board, cost)
func freeHomeRowPosition(piece: Piece) -> Int? {
let x = piece.homeColumn
var depth = height - 1
loop: while depth > 0 {
switch self[x, depth] {
case .piece(piece): break
case .piece: return nil
case .empty: break loop
case .outside: preconditionFailure("Invalid board")
depth -= 1
return depth
static let homeColumns = Set(\.homeColumn))
func openCorridorPositions(x: Int) -> [Int] {
var xmin = x
var xmax = x
while xmin > 0 && self[xmin, 0] == .empty {
xmin -= 1
while xmax < width && self[xmax, 0] == .empty {
xmax += 1
let result = (xmin..<xmax).filter { !Self.homeColumns.contains($0) && self[$0,0] == .empty }
return result
func distance(_ a: (Int, Int), _ b: (Int, Int)) -> Int {
let (x0, y0) = a
let (x1, y1) = b
return abs(x1 - x0) + abs(y1 - y0)
func isHome(piece: Piece, x: Int, y: Int) -> Bool {
guard x == piece.homeColumn && y > 0 else { return false }
for otherY in (y + 1)..<height {
if self[x, otherY] != .piece(piece) {
return false
return true
func show() {
print(String(repeating: "#", count: width + 2))
for y in 0..<height {
var line = ""
for x in 0..<width {
switch self[x, y] {
case .outside:
line += "#"
case .empty: line += "."
case .piece(let piece): line.append(piece.sign)
print(String(repeating: "#", count: width + 2))
subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Cell {
get {
board[x + width * y]
set {
board[x + width * y] = newValue

2021/day24.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
import Foundation
struct Day24: Puzzle {
func run() {
let program = readInput()
var alus: [(Alu, min: Int, max: Int)] = [(Alu(), 0, 0)]
for instruction in program {
if case .inp(let register) = instruction {
buildNextAlus(&alus, register: register)
} else {
for index in alus.indices {
let serialNumbers = alus
.filter { $0.0[Alu.resultRegister] == 0 }
print("Part 1:",\.max).max()!)
print("Part 2:",\.min).min()!)
func buildNextAlus(_ alus: inout [(Alu, min: Int, max: Int)], register: RegisterId) {
var table: [Alu: Int] = [:]
var newAlus: [(Alu, Int, Int)] = []
for digit: Alu.Register in 1...9 {
for (alu, oldMin, oldMax) in alus {
var alu = alu
alu[register] = digit
let newMin = oldMin * 10 + Int(digit)
let newMax = oldMax * 10 + Int(digit)
if let index = table[alu] {
newAlus[index].1 = min(newAlus[index].1, newMin)
newAlus[index].2 = max(newAlus[index].2, newMax)
} else {
table[alu] = newAlus.count
newAlus.append((alu, newMin, newMax))
print("Alu count", newAlus.count)
alus = newAlus
func readInput() -> [Instruction] {
let scanner = Scanner(string: input)
var program: [Instruction] = []
while !scanner.isAtEnd {
return program
struct Alu: Hashable {
static let resultRegister: RegisterId = 3
typealias Register = Int
var w: Register = 0
var x: Register = 0
var y: Register = 0
var z: Register = 0
func getValue(_ operand: Operand) -> Register {
switch operand {
case .register(let registerId):
return self[registerId]
case .number(let int):
return Register(int)
subscript(register: RegisterId) -> Register {
_read {
switch register {
case 0: yield w
case 1: yield x
case 2: yield y
case 3: yield z
default: fatalError()
_modify {
switch register {
case 0: yield &w
case 1: yield &x
case 2: yield &y
case 3: yield &z
default: fatalError()
mutating func run(_ instruction: Instruction) {
switch instruction {
case .inp:
case .add(let registerId, let operand):
self[registerId] += getValue(operand)
case .mul(let registerId, let operand):
self[registerId] *= getValue(operand)
case .div(let registerId, let operand):
self[registerId] /= getValue(operand)
case .mod(let registerId, let operand):
self[registerId] %= getValue(operand)
case .eql(let registerId, let operand):
self[registerId] = (self[registerId] == getValue(operand)) ? 1 : 0
typealias RegisterId = Int
enum Operand {
case register(RegisterId)
case number(Int)
enum Instruction {
case inp(RegisterId)
case add(RegisterId, Operand)
case mul(RegisterId, Operand)
case div(RegisterId, Operand)
case mod(RegisterId, Operand)
case eql(RegisterId, Operand)
extension Scanner {
func register() -> RegisterId? {
if scanString("w") != nil {
return 0
if scanString("x") != nil {
return 1
if scanString("y") != nil {
return 2
if scanString("z") != nil {
return 3
return nil
func operand() -> Operand {
if let register = register() {
return .register(register)
if let int = scanInt() {
return .number(int)
func instruction() -> Instruction {
guard let command = scanUpToCharacters(from: .whitespaces),
let target = register()
else {
switch command {
case "inp": return .inp(target)
case "add": return .add(target, operand())
case "mul": return .mul(target, operand())
case "div": return .div(target, operand())
case "mod": return .mod(target, operand())
case "eql": return .eql(target, operand())
default: fatalError()
let input = """
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 14
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 8
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 15
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 11
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 13
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 2
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -10
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 11
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 14
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 1
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -3
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 5
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -14
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 10
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 12
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 6
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 14
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 1
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 1
add x 12
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 11
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -6
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 9
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -6
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 14
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -2
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 11
mul y x
add z y
inp w
mul x 0
add x z
mod x 26
div z 26
add x -9
eql x w
eql x 0
mul y 0
add y 25
mul y x
add y 1
mul z y
mul y 0
add y w
add y 2
mul y x
add z y

2021/day25.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
@main struct Day25: Puzzle {
func run() {
var current = input
var stepCount = 0
while true {
let (next1, count1) = step(.right, input: current)
let (next2, count2) = step(.down, input: next1)
stepCount += 1
current = next2
if count1 + count2 == 0 {
print("Part 1: ", stepCount)
func step(_ space: Space, input: [Space]) -> ([Space], Int) {
var result: [Space] = input
var count = 0
for y in 0..<height {
for x in 0..<width where input[x, y] == space {
let tx = (x + space.dx) % width
let ty = (y + space.dy) % height
if input[tx, ty] == .empty {
result[tx, ty] = space
result[x, y] = .empty
count += 1
return (result, count)
extension Array {
subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Element {
get {
self[x + width * y]
set {
self[x + width * y] = newValue
enum Space: Character {
case right = ">"
case down = "v"
case empty = "."
var dx: Int { self == .right ? 1 : 0 }
var dy: Int { self == .down ? 1 : 0 }
let width = 139
let height = 137
let input = """
""".compactMap { Space(rawValue: $0) }

2021/day3.hs Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

2021/day4.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,788 @@
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.List ( find )
randoms :: [Int]
randoms = [13,47,64,52,60,69,80,85,57,1,2,6,30,81,86,40,27,26,97,77,70,92,43,94,8,78,3,88,93,17,55,49,32,59,51,28,33,41,83,67,11,91,53,36,96,7,34,79,98,72,39,56,31,75,82,62,99,66,29,58,9,50,54,12,45,68,4,46,38,21,24,18,44,48,16,61,19,0,90,35,65,37,73,20,22,89,42,23,15,87,74,10,71,25,14,76,84,5,63,95]
update 0 (_:rest) newValue = newValue : rest
update n (first:rest) newValue = first : update (n - 1) rest newValue
update _ [] _ = []
updateMatrix :: (Int, Int) -> [[t]] -> t -> [[t]]
updateMatrix (x, y) matrix newValue = update y matrix $ update x (matrix !! y) newValue
newtype Board = Board [[Maybe Int]] deriving Show
board :: [[Int]] -> Board
board list = Board $ (map $ map Just) list
boards :: [Board]
boards = [
board [
[88, 67, 20, 19, 15],
[22, 76, 86, 44, 73],
[ 7, 42, 6, 69, 25],
[12, 68, 92, 21, 75],
[97, 45, 13, 52, 70]
board [
[75, 98, 24, 18, 77],
[17, 93, 46, 49, 13],
[92, 56, 97, 57, 66],
[44, 0, 65, 54, 74],
[23, 6, 53, 42, 20]
board [
[92, 94, 9, 27, 41],
[73, 28, 62, 90, 40],
[78, 3, 12, 37, 32],
[ 8, 86, 91, 16, 30],
[84, 38, 68, 11, 19]
board [
[51, 5, 12, 76, 97],
[72, 31, 15, 61, 71],
[38, 32, 55, 87, 10],
[91, 4, 85, 84, 53],
[59, 79, 28, 69, 23]
board [
[35, 48, 10, 81, 60],
[25, 86, 24, 43, 15],
[44, 55, 12, 54, 62],
[94, 89, 95, 2, 23],
[64, 63, 45, 50, 66]
board [
[80, 87, 49, 88, 39],
[33, 81, 95, 68, 55],
[83, 46, 36, 41, 54],
[90, 74, 3, 52, 7],
[71, 40, 35, 8, 77]
board [
[34, 21, 24, 8, 97],
[99, 23, 94, 70, 9],
[14, 98, 2, 11, 10],
[16, 38, 92, 13, 35],
[82, 25, 76, 42, 39]
board [
[52, 76, 98, 25, 3],
[24, 41, 13, 39, 56],
[11, 72, 77, 47, 86],
[50, 32, 26, 88, 48],
[18, 99, 22, 78, 58]
board [
[22, 24, 53, 84, 80],
[26, 97, 42, 95, 11],
[ 1, 59, 81, 7, 35],
[47, 14, 40, 63, 30],
[37, 31, 10, 50, 43]
board [
[26, 86, 85, 69, 45],
[81, 43, 96, 12, 42],
[ 7, 36, 5, 28, 95],
[55, 90, 54, 4, 46],
[52, 30, 79, 59, 87]
board [
[76, 87, 62, 13, 38],
[40, 44, 75, 2, 37],
[51, 22, 58, 84, 57],
[ 1, 29, 82, 67, 35],
[39, 20, 31, 77, 32]
board [
[53, 62, 61, 26, 95],
[78, 44, 9, 5, 97],
[83, 11, 18, 69, 2],
[94, 66, 8, 14, 27],
[ 1, 6, 7, 73, 76]
board [
[87, 34, 62, 93, 43],
[49, 20, 63, 29, 22],
[30, 94, 11, 5, 69],
[74, 9, 89, 41, 37],
[98, 38, 72, 13, 97]
board [
[69, 39, 15, 59, 14],
[42, 84, 56, 23, 1],
[99, 16, 62, 83, 89],
[32, 36, 33, 24, 3],
[22, 31, 55, 10, 13]
board [
[22, 44, 75, 3, 17],
[51, 79, 37, 59, 19],
[98, 4, 86, 35, 34],
[36, 20, 85, 5, 23],
[62, 92, 43, 7, 90]
board [
[ 3, 68, 95, 51, 71],
[20, 62, 47, 4, 30],
[60, 91, 27, 86, 73],
[14, 76, 66, 97, 85],
[79, 65, 8, 11, 36]
board [
[38, 63, 1, 64, 14],
[10, 52, 17, 90, 98],
[28, 61, 29, 20, 55],
[49, 58, 43, 3, 7],
[88, 81, 67, 32, 68]
board [
[63, 65, 15, 61, 57],
[47, 94, 6, 14, 49],
[42, 3, 83, 96, 31],
[23, 77, 1, 70, 18],
[45, 36, 64, 48, 35]
board [
[ 8, 92, 88, 32, 95],
[26, 41, 34, 11, 48],
[81, 35, 36, 62, 28],
[64, 33, 52, 97, 82],
[ 7, 37, 78, 0, 86]
board [
[75, 64, 84, 80, 60],
[17, 5, 55, 95, 70],
[ 0, 90, 68, 53, 93],
[ 8, 50, 38, 9, 65],
[97, 35, 26, 30, 6]
board [
[76, 87, 36, 5, 74],
[79, 94, 82, 48, 20],
[24, 88, 90, 62, 45],
[ 9, 40, 78, 22, 68],
[73, 71, 35, 42, 66]
board [
[52, 11, 17, 9, 72],
[45, 13, 90, 0, 80],
[93, 77, 37, 51, 96],
[ 3, 68, 94, 61, 1],
[26, 78, 12, 29, 66]
board [
[49, 14, 74, 11, 48],
[73, 58, 54, 3, 40],
[90, 38, 62, 18, 26],
[53, 93, 19, 41, 94],
[35, 63, 7, 80, 68]
board [
[13, 19, 92, 38, 1],
[63, 69, 4, 99, 36],
[53, 57, 54, 21, 80],
[97, 17, 2, 44, 29],
[ 0, 3, 89, 45, 58]
board [
[ 9, 26, 45, 57, 67],
[72, 10, 59, 79, 88],
[32, 2, 87, 42, 60],
[62, 98, 1, 93, 28],
[24, 99, 41, 44, 29]
board [
[57, 60, 54, 36, 84],
[28, 5, 32, 66, 77],
[13, 19, 42, 39, 37],
[56, 89, 74, 50, 55],
[ 8, 71, 78, 0, 80]
board [
[62, 38, 24, 44, 4],
[17, 8, 70, 77, 86],
[98, 6, 9, 88, 23],
[85, 63, 78, 60, 72],
[71, 48, 36, 69, 81]
board [
[84, 19, 8, 20, 17],
[40, 88, 33, 52, 81],
[29, 83, 11, 36, 92],
[66, 6, 73, 32, 82],
[44, 39, 26, 60, 63]
board [
[13, 73, 45, 32, 42],
[69, 20, 83, 8, 84],
[82, 61, 11, 89, 25],
[ 6, 92, 99, 52, 57],
[88, 22, 46, 26, 86]
board [
[74, 65, 17, 64, 94],
[19, 34, 40, 69, 80],
[43, 83, 45, 77, 87],
[41, 49, 13, 51, 89],
[91, 72, 54, 1, 60]
board [
[38, 10, 16, 51, 46],
[80, 60, 64, 62, 70],
[89, 71, 58, 49, 39],
[37, 5, 35, 88, 40],
[93, 72, 98, 42, 13]
board [
[ 9, 47, 91, 69, 68],
[27, 1, 49, 60, 13],
[ 6, 17, 95, 59, 35],
[26, 14, 75, 57, 11],
[15, 18, 19, 46, 74]
board [
[88, 66, 25, 89, 6],
[63, 4, 56, 73, 8],
[57, 0, 51, 5, 36],
[68, 96, 84, 67, 53],
[49, 82, 7, 32, 9]
board [
[81, 75, 92, 1, 62],
[ 0, 96, 27, 63, 46],
[76, 31, 93, 67, 12],
[74, 78, 59, 5, 60],
[69, 33, 25, 94, 43]
board [
[40, 72, 79, 58, 22],
[16, 24, 99, 96, 44],
[69, 4, 87, 90, 26],
[34, 43, 56, 15, 35],
[63, 88, 89, 52, 54]
board [
[43, 7, 44, 31, 24],
[71, 18, 84, 17, 64],
[ 8, 47, 93, 85, 36],
[72, 29, 22, 67, 74],
[69, 41, 58, 98, 61]
board [
[55, 21, 72, 14, 3],
[75, 12, 69, 91, 54],
[80, 40, 78, 39, 4],
[44, 88, 84, 76, 25],
[96, 57, 49, 52, 28]
board [
[54, 74, 32, 40, 64],
[ 5, 94, 71, 80, 22],
[82, 92, 79, 93, 16],
[53, 33, 98, 85, 14],
[29, 49, 9, 47, 12]
board [
[98, 67, 8, 10, 6],
[58, 13, 77, 99, 81],
[ 5, 55, 21, 19, 1],
[ 0, 26, 44, 70, 93],
[41, 96, 31, 91, 27]
board [
[50, 28, 48, 13, 18],
[96, 43, 25, 2, 78],
[88, 60, 0, 16, 73],
[12, 32, 15, 68, 22],
[95, 74, 10, 80, 21]
board [
[18, 49, 85, 55, 21],
[11, 68, 80, 59, 41],
[56, 94, 14, 62, 60],
[32, 20, 40, 6, 2],
[42, 66, 98, 71, 17]
board [
[13, 38, 1, 63, 82],
[33, 55, 54, 53, 92],
[36, 20, 39, 84, 83],
[67, 43, 70, 73, 75],
[94, 77, 76, 29, 16]
board [
[82, 27, 25, 18, 86],
[73, 3, 36, 28, 1],
[11, 96, 40, 23, 93],
[58, 90, 88, 35, 64],
[ 9, 38, 69, 8, 43]
board [
[87, 90, 16, 56, 67],
[41, 75, 89, 1, 80],
[22, 62, 5, 45, 69],
[28, 36, 19, 96, 71],
[26, 63, 88, 76, 31]
board [
[68, 80, 83, 95, 20],
[75, 0, 16, 38, 21],
[34, 89, 87, 36, 14],
[94, 47, 53, 73, 71],
[63, 8, 61, 96, 50]
board [
[81, 23, 6, 14, 26],
[86, 42, 82, 95, 85],
[77, 52, 38, 2, 33],
[69, 98, 54, 37, 4],
[78, 39, 3, 75, 80]
board [
[92, 99, 93, 28, 44],
[ 5, 8, 67, 45, 10],
[61, 79, 63, 85, 81],
[ 2, 87, 76, 68, 18],
[69, 52, 22, 16, 12]
board [
[95, 50, 21, 82, 60],
[ 5, 8, 6, 28, 26],
[52, 3, 38, 70, 74],
[75, 0, 53, 51, 44],
[10, 30, 34, 47, 71]
board [
[71, 44, 65, 48, 51],
[78, 57, 75, 6, 86],
[95, 58, 66, 12, 92],
[22, 61, 68, 88, 50],
[ 4, 36, 45, 28, 54]
board [
[37, 17, 5, 2, 52],
[57, 47, 4, 53, 39],
[11, 72, 66, 81, 46],
[27, 0, 67, 40, 83],
[98, 19, 10, 35, 84]
board [
[43, 59, 30, 72, 17],
[66, 50, 12, 84, 65],
[49, 60, 14, 1, 29],
[89, 75, 62, 82, 47],
[33, 5, 9, 58, 45]
board [
[14, 9, 3, 47, 74],
[69, 29, 57, 62, 22],
[ 4, 90, 40, 64, 15],
[21, 27, 30, 2, 63],
[97, 96, 99, 55, 41]
board [
[75, 73, 3, 59, 80],
[65, 34, 52, 20, 72],
[50, 84, 81, 69, 41],
[97, 77, 19, 85, 39],
[88, 46, 15, 35, 87]
board [
[96, 42, 74, 38, 78],
[58, 73, 67, 70, 10],
[62, 8, 82, 64, 16],
[65, 25, 13, 3, 89],
[40, 30, 53, 95, 51]
board [
[ 7, 16, 92, 88, 38],
[14, 52, 46, 93, 64],
[49, 48, 8, 76, 51],
[97, 67, 89, 75, 19],
[69, 9, 29, 43, 82]
board [
[81, 51, 24, 57, 9],
[46, 43, 77, 11, 35],
[83, 5, 14, 25, 84],
[70, 99, 47, 37, 16],
[ 3, 39, 75, 97, 80]
board [
[18, 74, 64, 6, 94],
[12, 59, 46, 48, 31],
[73, 77, 33, 1, 39],
[ 0, 69, 10, 24, 56],
[83, 66, 5, 76, 58]
board [
[40, 48, 72, 65, 2],
[19, 28, 93, 53, 44],
[75, 85, 42, 68, 66],
[99, 49, 55, 31, 41],
[94, 35, 78, 13, 61]
board [
[ 4, 20, 54, 33, 21],
[50, 61, 17, 53, 64],
[69, 30, 24, 90, 95],
[82, 51, 39, 52, 67],
[43, 73, 44, 62, 83]
board [
[31, 32, 63, 42, 60],
[39, 41, 28, 51, 53],
[15, 20, 24, 54, 5],
[ 9, 65, 70, 57, 99],
[50, 29, 35, 4, 47]
board [
[40, 99, 95, 72, 35],
[10, 14, 52, 83, 19],
[ 5, 51, 87, 49, 16],
[60, 66, 13, 63, 93],
[68, 57, 31, 6, 78]
board [
[58, 96, 49, 87, 28],
[95, 50, 54, 53, 52],
[24, 16, 64, 9, 5],
[ 7, 63, 8, 4, 17],
[59, 98, 3, 31, 25]
board [
[31, 83, 61, 58, 93],
[94, 52, 97, 30, 98],
[99, 2, 13, 66, 73],
[69, 71, 68, 40, 19],
[74, 84, 45, 25, 77]
board [
[58, 85, 45, 64, 74],
[18, 88, 91, 53, 2],
[93, 0, 92, 55, 39],
[75, 49, 87, 80, 4],
[89, 97, 57, 14, 54]
board [
[20, 92, 64, 50, 25],
[52, 90, 80, 31, 38],
[55, 54, 10, 76, 21],
[95, 97, 4, 77, 19],
[30, 26, 12, 39, 11]
board [
[71, 10, 84, 68, 77],
[48, 82, 69, 75, 3],
[93, 24, 16, 42, 60],
[15, 62, 76, 36, 20],
[21, 18, 94, 22, 45]
board [
[10, 91, 66, 56, 75],
[ 6, 8, 45, 59, 83],
[52, 93, 48, 81, 87],
[99, 78, 43, 64, 84],
[21, 12, 61, 71, 9]
board [
[98, 77, 95, 63, 15],
[30, 14, 39, 12, 20],
[13, 32, 27, 0, 5],
[86, 80, 51, 40, 99],
[68, 44, 26, 29, 91]
board [
[92, 79, 49, 44, 33],
[88, 4, 34, 3, 90],
[51, 46, 31, 50, 47],
[61, 11, 94, 6, 24],
[72, 18, 98, 65, 57]
board [
[88, 94, 93, 11, 33],
[75, 77, 53, 54, 51],
[97, 15, 89, 38, 76],
[47, 64, 55, 22, 0],
[40, 56, 34, 19, 3]
board [
[36, 55, 51, 86, 91],
[49, 21, 78, 6, 58],
[90, 1, 88, 45, 33],
[37, 69, 75, 41, 50],
[81, 24, 34, 38, 93]
board [
[21, 73, 99, 50, 65],
[72, 77, 86, 7, 68],
[24, 63, 71, 26, 25],
[ 9, 12, 29, 93, 87],
[81, 23, 22, 94, 67]
board [
[37, 47, 66, 89, 73],
[49, 23, 79, 31, 86],
[58, 52, 21, 39, 15],
[60, 38, 82, 50, 36],
[74, 30, 25, 35, 99]
board [
[ 6, 18, 53, 36, 87],
[ 3, 59, 50, 2, 75],
[69, 61, 57, 19, 63],
[44, 77, 42, 22, 7],
[89, 29, 45, 35, 71]
board [
[28, 26, 53, 47, 21],
[31, 71, 27, 58, 85],
[10, 20, 74, 59, 42],
[89, 44, 12, 91, 54],
[32, 87, 36, 22, 7]
board [
[62, 17, 61, 75, 51],
[44, 60, 37, 14, 76],
[96, 0, 1, 52, 5],
[57, 42, 97, 66, 90],
[12, 23, 50, 98, 25]
board [
[42, 30, 86, 89, 66],
[41, 98, 39, 29, 23],
[75, 73, 20, 79, 90],
[38, 60, 45, 16, 18],
[17, 10, 47, 5, 13]
board [
[ 4, 10, 26, 74, 38],
[66, 84, 60, 23, 57],
[30, 59, 58, 2, 49],
[83, 82, 70, 64, 43],
[71, 31, 35, 90, 0]
board [
[27, 99, 33, 56, 3],
[41, 97, 1, 68, 88],
[43, 63, 81, 89, 22],
[30, 32, 59, 64, 12],
[84, 58, 10, 39, 76]
board [
[98, 16, 75, 27, 57],
[ 0, 9, 3, 79, 50],
[ 5, 34, 93, 6, 21],
[52, 70, 87, 31, 49],
[58, 46, 24, 20, 45]
board [
[78, 24, 19, 13, 30],
[83, 59, 79, 37, 72],
[84, 81, 99, 17, 77],
[10, 93, 3, 33, 70],
[29, 35, 49, 6, 5]
board [
[47, 6, 82, 94, 53],
[83, 19, 25, 54, 64],
[ 9, 56, 39, 31, 96],
[ 1, 81, 66, 41, 5],
[55, 48, 43, 12, 14]
board [
[47, 55, 86, 31, 17],
[89, 45, 65, 34, 56],
[99, 88, 18, 97, 3],
[52, 21, 14, 68, 13],
[ 9, 26, 22, 7, 32]
board [
[75, 27, 62, 19, 72],
[20, 49, 7, 21, 85],
[53, 46, 1, 59, 99],
[61, 71, 87, 24, 83],
[ 5, 77, 41, 51, 73]
board [
[57, 59, 82, 77, 52],
[99, 49, 81, 37, 54],
[70, 89, 23, 20, 90],
[31, 1, 21, 98, 66],
[86, 35, 46, 36, 18]
board [
[37, 39, 70, 76, 27],
[68, 84, 25, 1, 33],
[50, 82, 77, 20, 44],
[18, 11, 51, 62, 54],
[80, 67, 35, 89, 30]
board [
[85, 96, 1, 3, 73],
[25, 47, 10, 46, 98],
[ 2, 33, 91, 71, 35],
[ 0, 32, 11, 55, 67],
[14, 81, 17, 5, 94]
board [
[68, 84, 46, 43, 81],
[42, 35, 48, 89, 30],
[ 4, 17, 65, 77, 6],
[49, 97, 85, 12, 66],
[75, 25, 13, 90, 51]
board [
[94, 42, 46, 58, 56],
[97, 50, 86, 84, 15],
[52, 9, 28, 32, 59],
[26, 96, 91, 57, 83],
[29, 99, 18, 31, 43]
board [
[ 2, 19, 31, 10, 32],
[81, 16, 50, 59, 7],
[76, 30, 63, 44, 95],
[82, 54, 61, 75, 36],
[85, 78, 12, 67, 9]
board [
[92, 1, 72, 27, 37],
[22, 13, 91, 4, 34],
[53, 82, 76, 70, 19],
[99, 38, 59, 33, 52],
[ 0, 61, 36, 67, 75]
board [
[94, 41, 5, 57, 1],
[37, 36, 99, 34, 47],
[40, 93, 62, 32, 76],
[61, 75, 48, 42, 73],
[35, 69, 54, 13, 50]
board [
[76, 12, 51, 11, 74],
[30, 83, 73, 33, 78],
[95, 77, 15, 14, 80],
[86, 37, 91, 50, 10],
[52, 67, 3, 60, 17]
board [
[68, 7, 42, 81, 15],
[46, 58, 9, 31, 18],
[91, 1, 28, 34, 37],
[17, 57, 6, 2, 70],
[97, 54, 20, 27, 44]
board [
[44, 80, 45, 28, 14],
[94, 47, 29, 50, 54],
[64, 67, 96, 95, 93],
[76, 36, 82, 39, 43],
[30, 55, 97, 3, 2]
board [
[43, 2, 15, 99, 34],
[97, 75, 26, 9, 67],
[30, 63, 74, 12, 82],
[18, 6, 49, 48, 55],
[47, 36, 41, 56, 83]
board [
[26, 70, 87, 80, 89],
[17, 50, 61, 21, 96],
[43, 83, 85, 46, 64],
[66, 75, 23, 47, 69],
[22, 72, 55, 52, 8]
board [
[67, 54, 11, 29, 42],
[16, 45, 56, 86, 66],
[ 4, 80, 43, 72, 91],
[90, 87, 63, 39, 50],
[32, 6, 59, 27, 89]
board [
[14, 92, 78, 47, 59],
[98, 0, 63, 85, 31],
[52, 8, 84, 70, 91],
[43, 3, 76, 65, 57],
[87, 22, 99, 94, 58]
board [
[26, 53, 58, 52, 1],
[82, 57, 32, 40, 20],
[72, 21, 74, 46, 43],
[41, 15, 98, 2, 11],
[ 5, 96, 22, 18, 55]
row n (Board board) = board !! n
column n (Board board) = [ x !! n | x <- board ]
score :: Board -> Int
score (Board board) = sum $ catMaybes $ concat board
mark :: Board -> (Int, Int) -> Either Board Int
mark (Board board) pos = if isWin then Right $ score newBoard else Left newBoard
newBoard = Board $ updateMatrix pos board Nothing
isWin = row y newBoard == cleared || column x newBoard == cleared
(x, y) = pos
cleared = replicate 5 Nothing
findPosition :: Board -> Int -> Maybe (Int, Int)
findPosition (Board board) value = find (\(x,y) -> board !! y !! x == Just value) indexes
indexes = [(x,y) | x <- [0..4], y <- [0..4]]
markTile :: Board -> Int -> Either Board Int
markTile board num = case pos of
Nothing -> Left board
Just pos -> mark board pos
pos = findPosition board num
markAll :: [Board] -> Int -> Either [Board] Int
markAll boards num = getResult $ map (`markTile` num) boards
getResult [] = Left []
getResult (Right score : rest) = Right score
getResult (Left board : rest) = case getResult rest of
Left boards -> Left $ board : boards
Right score -> Right score
markAllUntilLast :: [Board] -> Int -> Either [Board] Int
markAllUntilLast boards num = getResult $ map (`markTile` num) boards
getResult [] = Left []
getResult [Right score] = Right score
getResult (Right _ : rest) = getResult rest
getResult (Left board : rest) = case getResult rest of
Left boards -> Left $ board : boards
Right _ -> Left [board]
play :: [Board] -> [Int] -> ([Board] -> Int -> Either [Board] Int) -> Maybe Int
play boards numbers markAll = playRound numbers boards
playRound [] _ = Nothing
playRound (cur:rest) boards = case markAll boards cur of
Left newBoards -> playRound rest newBoards
Right score -> Just (score * cur)
>>> play boards randoms markAll
Just 49686
>>> play boards randoms markAllUntilLast
Just 26878

2021/day5.hs Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
example :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))]
example = [
((0,9), (5,9)),
((8,0), (0,8)),
((9,4), (3,4)),
((2,2), (2,1)),
((7,0), (7,4)),
((6,4), (2,0)),
((0,9), (2,9)),
((3,4), (1,4)),
((0,0), (8,8)),
((5,5), (8,2))
isHorizontalOrVertical :: ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) -> Bool
isHorizontalOrVertical ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) = x1 == x2 || y1 == y2
atPoint (x,y) p = minX p <= x && x <= maxX p && minY p <= y && y <= maxY p
minX ((x1, _), (x2, _)) = min x1 x2
minY ((_, y1), (_, y2)) = min y1 y2
maxX ((x1, _), (x2, _)) = max x1 x2
maxY ((_, y1), (_, y2)) = max y1 y2
bounds :: (Ord b, Ord a) => [((a, b), (a, b))] -> ((a, b), (a, b))
bounds input = ((x0, y0), (x1, y1))
x0 = minimum $ map minX input
y0 = minimum $ map minY input
x1 = maximum $ map maxX input
y1 = maximum $ map maxY input
grid ((x0, y0), (x1, y1)) = [ (x, y) | x <- [x0..x1], y <- [y0..y1] ]
counts input = length $ filter (>= 2) intersectionCounts
intersectionCounts = map (\pos -> length $ filter (atPoint pos) input) gridIndexes
gridIndexes = grid $ bounds input
inputs :: [((Int, Int), (Int, Int))]
inputs = [
((911, 808), (324, 221)),
((161, 890), (808, 243)),
((174, 59), (174, 760)),
((983, 983), (10, 10)),
((321, 12), (870, 12)),
((66, 936), (941, 61)),
((670, 141), (670, 550)),
((783, 935), (496, 648)),
((973, 651), (635, 989)),
((535, 47), (535, 154)),
((355, 183), (754, 582)),
((172, 111), (892, 111)),
((353, 66), (907, 620)),
((741, 960), (741, 805)),
((113, 895), (946, 895)),
((777, 280), (563, 280)),
((679, 815), (626, 815)),
((651, 848), (651, 673)),
((205, 834), (205, 599)),
((895, 118), (82, 931)),
((685, 303), (93, 895)),
((973, 38), (62, 949)),
((867, 23), (867, 300)),
((784, 947), (784, 47)),
((96, 168), (755, 827)),
((909, 321), (909, 716)),
((59, 881), (692, 881)),
((964, 19), (69, 914)),
((752, 869), (67, 184)),
((974, 877), (138, 41)),
((432, 389), (137, 684)),
((458, 822), (458, 402)),
((818, 852), (308, 342)),
((882, 484), (441, 925)),
((82, 959), (976, 65)),
((117, 487), (117, 429)),
((214, 673), (429, 673)),
((72, 955), (72, 829)),
((587, 109), (587, 368)),
((576, 17), (576, 872)),
((685, 102), (685, 905)),
((563, 394), (716, 394)),
((966, 145), (150, 961)),
((555, 582), (555, 385)),
((453, 31), (453, 207)),
((639, 815), (547, 723)),
((431, 869), (431, 811)),
((646, 938), (599, 938)),
((215, 513), (900, 513)),
((809, 82), (798, 82)),
((768, 344), (244, 868)),
((39, 962), (39, 601)),
((675, 186), (61, 186)),
((861, 967), (28, 967)),
((860, 550), (538, 550)),
((283, 740), (571, 740)),
((72, 297), (72, 645)),
((727, 801), (727, 526)),
((799, 519), (799, 497)),
((915, 24), (174, 765)),
((795, 943), (136, 943)),
((518, 971), (599, 971)),
((594, 676), (594, 461)),
((850, 799), (363, 799)),
((958, 575), (958, 231)),
((752, 576), (398, 576)),
((891, 433), (398, 433)),
((524, 126), (397, 126)),
((10, 890), (796, 104)),
((57, 228), (168, 228)),
((168, 521), (338, 691)),
((230, 83), (777, 83)),
((865, 677), (640, 452)),
((866, 821), (825, 821)),
((17, 143), (17, 596)),
((113, 916), (113, 601)),
((268, 187), (551, 470)),
((794, 167), (220, 167)),
((459, 17), (459, 931)),
((211, 31), (526, 31)),
((680, 57), (756, 57)),
((926, 190), (926, 800)),
((85, 284), (63, 284)),
((44, 988), (44, 701)),
((110, 941), (176, 941)),
((480, 163), (480, 112)),
((574, 538), (574, 371)),
((584, 473), (69, 473)),
((303, 621), (303, 380)),
((762, 652), (762, 89)),
((286, 195), (276, 185)),
((957, 87), (217, 827)),
((561, 858), (561, 437)),
((384, 55), (81, 55)),
((19, 977), (981, 15)),
((454, 747), (938, 263)),
((425, 836), (425, 617)),
((860, 135), (775, 50)),
((633, 131), (633, 651)),
((904, 912), (242, 250)),
((880, 177), (480, 577)),
((470, 162), (964, 656)),
((585, 376), (585, 470)),
((696, 760), (594, 862)),
((534, 225), (534, 717)),
((258, 816), (258, 847)),
((990, 244), (990, 93)),
((463, 462), (463, 533)),
((434, 928), (537, 825)),
((813, 734), (533, 734)),
((498, 673), (395, 673)),
((564, 312), (55, 312)),
((280, 550), (939, 550)),
((591, 247), (396, 52)),
((127, 516), (127, 235)),
((850, 425), (552, 127)),
((894, 428), (894, 598)),
((366, 960), (592, 960)),
((579, 488), (170, 488)),
((775, 92), (775, 586)),
((49, 909), (930, 28)),
((856, 113), (284, 685)),
((263, 175), (120, 175)),
((332, 592), (276, 592)),
((920, 157), (141, 157)),
((349, 776), (316, 776)),
((187, 863), (279, 863)),
((218, 872), (83, 872)),
((465, 430), (410, 430)),
((710, 218), (857, 218)),
((797, 314), (184, 314)),
((387, 327), (49, 665)),
((950, 812), (205, 67)),
((803, 133), (803, 682)),
((125, 972), (545, 552)),
((353, 901), (840, 414)),
((936, 843), (202, 109)),
((11, 904), (856, 59)),
((725, 757), (954, 986)),
((227, 697), (345, 697)),
((187, 520), (187, 441)),
((860, 262), (135, 987)),
((700, 95), (976, 371)),
((86, 946), (869, 163)),
((898, 806), (461, 806)),
((717, 796), (717, 195)),
((882, 127), (835, 127)),
((133, 48), (133, 191)),
((521, 51), (521, 927)),
((384, 806), (957, 233)),
((570, 139), (570, 842)),
((949, 819), (949, 350)),
((592, 230), (283, 230)),
((315, 856), (741, 856)),
((870, 674), (549, 353)),
((857, 306), (857, 889)),
((428, 217), (267, 217)),
((47, 93), (898, 944)),
((636, 238), (665, 238)),
((202, 910), (202, 737)),
((246, 432), (617, 803)),
((985, 24), (48, 961)),
((965, 876), (956, 867)),
((618, 650), (810, 458)),
((292, 356), (575, 356)),
((394, 585), (910, 585)),
((137, 453), (137, 178)),
((509, 737), (509, 665)),
((193, 350), (531, 688)),
((805, 219), (107, 219)),
((975, 506), (907, 506)),
((435, 303), (435, 380)),
((344, 83), (344, 224)),
((47, 66), (47, 115)),
((570, 516), (857, 516)),
((162, 91), (926, 91)),
((759, 417), (759, 460)),
((445, 942), (445, 699)),
((421, 340), (421, 743)),
((590, 590), (434, 434)),
((453, 38), (453, 327)),
((865, 134), (865, 773)),
((842, 609), (18, 609)),
((662, 282), (62, 882)),
((489, 32), (344, 32)),
((135, 496), (93, 454)),
((552, 211), (421, 211)),
((620, 678), (642, 678)),
((782, 158), (585, 355)),
((733, 509), (733, 574)),
((932, 383), (369, 946)),
((843, 705), (843, 725)),
((747, 414), (676, 343)),
((294, 218), (962, 886)),
((844, 175), (844, 420)),
((255, 489), (531, 213)),
((555, 532), (821, 532)),
((533, 15), (533, 161)),
((631, 778), (631, 401)),
((75, 282), (468, 282)),
((903, 838), (903, 957)),
((46, 293), (543, 790)),
((30, 834), (30, 948)),
((591, 720), (591, 965)),
((624, 36), (339, 36)),
((425, 323), (425, 442)),
((234, 939), (234, 963)),
((482, 912), (968, 912)),
((228, 614), (189, 614)),
((969, 472), (969, 692)),
((871, 494), (871, 172)),
((101, 624), (848, 624)),
((424, 918), (69, 563)),
((929, 671), (93, 671)),
((81, 187), (707, 813)),
((348, 923), (348, 924)),
((921, 524), (921, 828)),
((678, 454), (678, 364)),
((904, 227), (904, 596)),
((163, 344), (609, 790)),
((206, 180), (206, 59)),
((145, 519), (145, 717)),
((317, 679), (317, 417)),
((503, 724), (221, 724)),
((353, 448), (413, 448)),
((363, 643), (837, 643)),
((594, 54), (359, 54)),
((866, 117), (45, 938)),
((939, 210), (284, 865)),
((410, 556), (410, 801)),
((905, 111), (673, 111)),
((983, 167), (574, 167)),
((595, 758), (97, 758)),
((785, 10), (437, 10)),
((517, 414), (517, 734)),
((691, 567), (186, 62)),
((842, 51), (31, 862)),
((36, 199), (282, 199)),
((864, 758), (864, 610)),
((639, 918), (951, 918)),
((245, 516), (245, 474)),
((951, 203), (557, 203)),
((176, 728), (176, 171)),
((322, 217), (387, 217)),
((149, 208), (836, 895)),
((661, 298), (609, 298)),
((46, 47), (981, 982)),
((769, 45), (769, 610)),
((988, 932), (988, 459)),
((901, 97), (901, 908)),
((195, 395), (121, 395)),
((197, 403), (327, 533)),
((159, 456), (857, 456)),
((480, 981), (881, 580)),
((86, 958), (962, 82)),
((375, 198), (763, 198)),
((950, 381), (341, 381)),
((504, 679), (504, 598)),
((756, 659), (680, 583)),
((146, 328), (886, 328)),
((930, 412), (492, 850)),
((954, 54), (954, 940)),
((790, 498), (790, 305)),
((83, 270), (83, 242)),
((939, 268), (939, 563)),
((423, 756), (916, 263)),
((583, 756), (583, 34)),
((957, 639), (614, 639)),
((484, 523), (521, 560)),
((497, 809), (497, 419)),
((76, 17), (979, 920)),
((49, 39), (943, 933)),
((110, 289), (110, 247)),
((874, 868), (874, 172)),
((576, 127), (53, 650)),
((871, 879), (12, 20)),
((436, 711), (592, 711)),
((132, 285), (225, 285)),
((245, 147), (514, 147)),
((158, 882), (956, 84)),
((21, 984), (937, 68)),
((42, 275), (219, 275)),
((877, 143), (889, 143)),
((593, 841), (508, 756)),
((414, 289), (132, 289)),
((687, 655), (767, 655)),
((453, 981), (459, 987)),
((635, 433), (635, 324)),
((671, 347), (170, 848)),
((412, 579), (915, 579)),
((269, 677), (269, 596)),
((587, 121), (367, 341)),
((153, 883), (153, 709)),
((524, 580), (508, 580)),
((541, 232), (651, 232)),
((93, 948), (284, 757)),
((168, 745), (872, 41)),
((831, 657), (925, 563)),
((908, 389), (442, 389)),
((462, 445), (234, 445)),
((735, 493), (895, 493)),
((274, 624), (296, 646)),
((153, 130), (153, 160)),
((466, 214), (466, 769)),
((474, 499), (686, 711)),
((540, 428), (788, 676)),
((858, 215), (959, 215)),
((788, 91), (788, 410)),
((552, 505), (988, 505)),
((978, 312), (978, 202)),
((108, 321), (616, 829)),
((903, 359), (903, 770)),
((480, 331), (480, 769)),
((503, 842), (34, 842)),
((613, 732), (323, 442)),
((767, 949), (654, 949)),
((514, 589), (386, 589)),
((38, 554), (284, 308)),
((689, 268), (689, 711)),
((860, 66), (190, 736)),
((253, 865), (622, 865)),
((87, 658), (698, 47)),
((506, 892), (829, 569)),
((680, 910), (594, 824)),
((824, 603), (958, 603)),
((576, 802), (562, 802)),
((67, 27), (67, 489)),
((969, 461), (517, 913)),
((674, 763), (674, 226)),
((223, 955), (218, 955)),
((147, 540), (569, 962)),
((455, 703), (596, 703)),
((746, 899), (746, 403)),
((516, 476), (756, 476)),
((897, 674), (373, 150)),
((120, 395), (120, 49)),
((722, 443), (722, 244)),
((724, 924), (724, 39)),
((809, 930), (109, 930)),
((822, 816), (874, 816)),
((796, 539), (895, 539)),
((340, 88), (560, 88)),
((223, 158), (593, 158)),
((779, 977), (856, 900)),
((617, 461), (973, 817)),
((515, 62), (515, 140)),
((12, 586), (724, 586)),
((870, 50), (391, 50)),
((308, 123), (308, 696)),
((119, 164), (863, 908)),
((755, 599), (448, 599)),
((129, 526), (633, 526)),
((478, 668), (102, 668)),
((237, 637), (237, 743)),
((270, 102), (72, 300)),
((115, 470), (115, 427)),
((948, 233), (948, 731)),
((983, 135), (468, 650)),
((748, 439), (748, 642)),
((62, 862), (352, 572)),
((765, 901), (660, 901)),
((917, 807), (917, 587)),
((55, 81), (116, 81)),
((954, 972), (102, 120)),
((340, 503), (294, 549)),
((970, 661), (522, 213)),
((618, 92), (618, 247)),
((688, 965), (965, 965)),
((94, 241), (94, 292)),
((15, 132), (15, 492)),
((979, 927), (488, 927)),
((509, 26), (984, 26)),
((840, 530), (840, 95)),
((55, 956), (849, 162)),
((297, 297), (297, 472)),
((338, 780), (369, 780)),
((487, 292), (37, 292)),
((122, 117), (206, 201)),
((66, 807), (564, 309)),
((643, 242), (906, 242)),
((909, 833), (909, 441)),
((129, 128), (818, 817)),
((406, 42), (406, 297)),
((53, 20), (967, 934)),
((235, 285), (601, 285)),
((275, 625), (275, 539)),
((199, 732), (430, 963)),
((639, 187), (639, 265)),
((549, 740), (549, 824)),
((603, 140), (603, 748)),
((35, 455), (176, 455)),
((888, 611), (888, 271)),
((134, 154), (484, 154)),
((694, 820), (694, 814)),
((535, 584), (187, 932)),
((642, 510), (642, 249)),
((191, 886), (268, 886)),
((918, 353), (881, 390)),
((977, 13), (343, 13)),
((380, 243), (271, 134)),
((410, 758), (410, 670)),
((613, 551), (519, 645)),
((963, 84), (124, 923)),
((702, 252), (821, 252)),
((405, 237), (405, 22)),
((21, 139), (21, 510)),
((548, 499), (132, 499)),
((196, 104), (196, 680)),
((739, 145), (476, 145)),
((751, 746), (91, 746)),
((975, 628), (975, 847)),
((935, 520), (935, 450)),
((803, 372), (803, 393)),
((872, 77), (872, 373)),
((339, 130), (339, 103)),
((226, 886), (226, 45)),
((794, 647), (794, 257)),
((90, 922), (889, 123)),
((615, 971), (615, 574)),
((26, 278), (26, 719)),
((838, 88), (806, 88)),
((263, 691), (804, 150)),
((309, 721), (910, 721)),
((510, 496), (960, 946)),
((195, 236), (46, 236)),
((610, 143), (610, 610)),
((891, 412), (891, 268)),
((714, 21), (156, 579)),
((320, 935), (320, 96)),
((240, 782), (449, 782)),
((754, 472), (48, 472)),
((105, 481), (529, 57)),
((451, 301), (451, 965)),
((796, 638), (796, 185)),
((908, 553), (771, 553)),
((98, 543), (490, 935)),
((481, 159), (762, 159)),
((593, 527), (419, 353)),
((86, 391), (216, 521)),
((260, 716), (42, 716)),
((734, 538), (375, 179)),
((24, 974), (975, 23)),
((402, 466), (787, 851)),
((344, 409), (262, 327)),
((803, 443), (685, 443)),
((986, 152), (249, 152)),
((125, 738), (90, 773)),
((184, 772), (184, 746)),
((729, 829), (729, 340)),
((226, 527), (226, 375)),
((936, 231), (222, 945)),
((254, 333), (254, 167)),
((451, 234), (451, 273)),
((915, 790), (568, 443)),
((869, 794), (504, 429)),
((11, 878), (836, 53)),
((821, 231), (522, 530)),
((285, 419), (732, 866)),
((191, 272), (191, 679)),
((41, 651), (225, 651)),
((30, 13), (879, 862)),
((980, 488), (20, 488)),
((27, 187), (27, 348)),
((53, 238), (53, 514)),
((778, 306), (379, 705)),
((425, 399), (425, 60)),
((162, 859), (57, 859)),
((652, 926), (652, 589)),
((962, 489), (555, 896)),
((197, 378), (436, 617)),
((310, 190), (310, 760)),
((678, 20), (678, 713)),
((390, 653), (985, 58)),
((938, 351), (656, 69)),
((881, 39), (18, 902)),
((313, 681), (323, 681)),
((910, 907), (288, 907)),
((739, 977), (739, 132)),
((856, 479), (154, 479)),
((893, 785), (761, 785)),
((405, 247), (405, 901)),
((58, 933), (808, 183)),
((643, 156), (676, 189)),
((149, 773), (357, 773)),
((479, 518), (434, 518)),
((389, 518), (556, 685)),
((858, 449), (533, 774)),
((503, 133), (409, 133)),
((340, 315), (219, 194)),
((183, 701), (183, 242)),
((810, 151), (195, 151)),
((446, 686), (446, 912)),
((968, 482), (49, 482)),
((203, 20), (203, 667)),
((493, 516), (647, 516)),
((900, 91), (634, 91)),
((660, 554), (119, 13)),
((964, 864), (964, 919)),
((871, 293), (344, 293)),
((895, 258), (972, 258))

2021/day5part2.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,584 @@
import CoreGraphics
import ImageIO
import Foundation
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
struct Day5Part2 {
let input: [(Point, Point)] = [
((911, 808), (324, 221)),
((161, 890), (808, 243)),
((174, 59), (174, 760)),
((983, 983), (10, 10)),
((321, 12), (870, 12)),
((66, 936), (941, 61)),
((670, 141), (670, 550)),
((783, 935), (496, 648)),
((973, 651), (635, 989)),
((535, 47), (535, 154)),
((355, 183), (754, 582)),
((172, 111), (892, 111)),
((353, 66), (907, 620)),
((741, 960), (741, 805)),
((113, 895), (946, 895)),
((777, 280), (563, 280)),
((679, 815), (626, 815)),
((651, 848), (651, 673)),
((205, 834), (205, 599)),
((895, 118), (82, 931)),
((685, 303), (93, 895)),
((973, 38), (62, 949)),
((867, 23), (867, 300)),
((784, 947), (784, 47)),
((96, 168), (755, 827)),
((909, 321), (909, 716)),
((59, 881), (692, 881)),
((964, 19), (69, 914)),
((752, 869), (67, 184)),
((974, 877), (138, 41)),
((432, 389), (137, 684)),
((458, 822), (458, 402)),
((818, 852), (308, 342)),
((882, 484), (441, 925)),
((82, 959), (976, 65)),
((117, 487), (117, 429)),
((214, 673), (429, 673)),
((72, 955), (72, 829)),
((587, 109), (587, 368)),
((576, 17), (576, 872)),
((685, 102), (685, 905)),
((563, 394), (716, 394)),
((966, 145), (150, 961)),
((555, 582), (555, 385)),
((453, 31), (453, 207)),
((639, 815), (547, 723)),
((431, 869), (431, 811)),
((646, 938), (599, 938)),
((215, 513), (900, 513)),
((809, 82), (798, 82)),
((768, 344), (244, 868)),
((39, 962), (39, 601)),
((675, 186), (61, 186)),
((861, 967), (28, 967)),
((860, 550), (538, 550)),
((283, 740), (571, 740)),
((72, 297), (72, 645)),
((727, 801), (727, 526)),
((799, 519), (799, 497)),
((915, 24), (174, 765)),
((795, 943), (136, 943)),
((518, 971), (599, 971)),
((594, 676), (594, 461)),
((850, 799), (363, 799)),
((958, 575), (958, 231)),
((752, 576), (398, 576)),
((891, 433), (398, 433)),
((524, 126), (397, 126)),
((10, 890), (796, 104)),
((57, 228), (168, 228)),
((168, 521), (338, 691)),
((230, 83), (777, 83)),
((865, 677), (640, 452)),
((866, 821), (825, 821)),
((17, 143), (17, 596)),
((113, 916), (113, 601)),
((268, 187), (551, 470)),
((794, 167), (220, 167)),
((459, 17), (459, 931)),
((211, 31), (526, 31)),
((680, 57), (756, 57)),
((926, 190), (926, 800)),
((85, 284), (63, 284)),
((44, 988), (44, 701)),
((110, 941), (176, 941)),
((480, 163), (480, 112)),
((574, 538), (574, 371)),
((584, 473), (69, 473)),
((303, 621), (303, 380)),
((762, 652), (762, 89)),
((286, 195), (276, 185)),
((957, 87), (217, 827)),
((561, 858), (561, 437)),
((384, 55), (81, 55)),
((19, 977), (981, 15)),
((454, 747), (938, 263)),
((425, 836), (425, 617)),
((860, 135), (775, 50)),
((633, 131), (633, 651)),
((904, 912), (242, 250)),
((880, 177), (480, 577)),
((470, 162), (964, 656)),
((585, 376), (585, 470)),
((696, 760), (594, 862)),
((534, 225), (534, 717)),
((258, 816), (258, 847)),
((990, 244), (990, 93)),
((463, 462), (463, 533)),
((434, 928), (537, 825)),
((813, 734), (533, 734)),
((498, 673), (395, 673)),
((564, 312), (55, 312)),
((280, 550), (939, 550)),
((591, 247), (396, 52)),
((127, 516), (127, 235)),
((850, 425), (552, 127)),
((894, 428), (894, 598)),
((366, 960), (592, 960)),
((579, 488), (170, 488)),
((775, 92), (775, 586)),
((49, 909), (930, 28)),
((856, 113), (284, 685)),
((263, 175), (120, 175)),
((332, 592), (276, 592)),
((920, 157), (141, 157)),
((349, 776), (316, 776)),
((187, 863), (279, 863)),
((218, 872), (83, 872)),
((465, 430), (410, 430)),
((710, 218), (857, 218)),
((797, 314), (184, 314)),
((387, 327), (49, 665)),
((950, 812), (205, 67)),
((803, 133), (803, 682)),
((125, 972), (545, 552)),
((353, 901), (840, 414)),
((936, 843), (202, 109)),
((11, 904), (856, 59)),
((725, 757), (954, 986)),
((227, 697), (345, 697)),
((187, 520), (187, 441)),
((860, 262), (135, 987)),
((700, 95), (976, 371)),
((86, 946), (869, 163)),
((898, 806), (461, 806)),
((717, 796), (717, 195)),
((882, 127), (835, 127)),
((133, 48), (133, 191)),
((521, 51), (521, 927)),
((384, 806), (957, 233)),
((570, 139), (570, 842)),
((949, 819), (949, 350)),
((592, 230), (283, 230)),
((315, 856), (741, 856)),
((870, 674), (549, 353)),
((857, 306), (857, 889)),
((428, 217), (267, 217)),
((47, 93), (898, 944)),
((636, 238), (665, 238)),
((202, 910), (202, 737)),
((246, 432), (617, 803)),
((985, 24), (48, 961)),
((965, 876), (956, 867)),
((618, 650), (810, 458)),
((292, 356), (575, 356)),
((394, 585), (910, 585)),
((137, 453), (137, 178)),
((509, 737), (509, 665)),
((193, 350), (531, 688)),
((805, 219), (107, 219)),
((975, 506), (907, 506)),
((435, 303), (435, 380)),
((344, 83), (344, 224)),
((47, 66), (47, 115)),
((570, 516), (857, 516)),
((162, 91), (926, 91)),
((759, 417), (759, 460)),
((445, 942), (445, 699)),
((421, 340), (421, 743)),
((590, 590), (434, 434)),
((453, 38), (453, 327)),
((865, 134), (865, 773)),
((842, 609), (18, 609)),
((662, 282), (62, 882)),
((489, 32), (344, 32)),
((135, 496), (93, 454)),
((552, 211), (421, 211)),
((620, 678), (642, 678)),
((782, 158), (585, 355)),
((733, 509), (733, 574)),
((932, 383), (369, 946)),
((843, 705), (843, 725)),
((747, 414), (676, 343)),
((294, 218), (962, 886)),
((844, 175), (844, 420)),
((255, 489), (531, 213)),
((555, 532), (821, 532)),
((533, 15), (533, 161)),
((631, 778), (631, 401)),
((75, 282), (468, 282)),
((903, 838), (903, 957)),
((46, 293), (543, 790)),
((30, 834), (30, 948)),
((591, 720), (591, 965)),
((624, 36), (339, 36)),
((425, 323), (425, 442)),
((234, 939), (234, 963)),
((482, 912), (968, 912)),
((228, 614), (189, 614)),
((969, 472), (969, 692)),
((871, 494), (871, 172)),
((101, 624), (848, 624)),
((424, 918), (69, 563)),
((929, 671), (93, 671)),
((81, 187), (707, 813)),
((348, 923), (348, 924)),
((921, 524), (921, 828)),
((678, 454), (678, 364)),
((904, 227), (904, 596)),
((163, 344), (609, 790)),
((206, 180), (206, 59)),
((145, 519), (145, 717)),
((317, 679), (317, 417)),
((503, 724), (221, 724)),
((353, 448), (413, 448)),
((363, 643), (837, 643)),
((594, 54), (359, 54)),
((866, 117), (45, 938)),
((939, 210), (284, 865)),
((410, 556), (410, 801)),
((905, 111), (673, 111)),
((983, 167), (574, 167)),
((595, 758), (97, 758)),
((785, 10), (437, 10)),
((517, 414), (517, 734)),
((691, 567), (186, 62)),
((842, 51), (31, 862)),
((36, 199), (282, 199)),
((864, 758), (864, 610)),
((639, 918), (951, 918)),
((245, 516), (245, 474)),
((951, 203), (557, 203)),
((176, 728), (176, 171)),
((322, 217), (387, 217)),
((149, 208), (836, 895)),
((661, 298), (609, 298)),
((46, 47), (981, 982)),
((769, 45), (769, 610)),
((988, 932), (988, 459)),
((901, 97), (901, 908)),
((195, 395), (121, 395)),
((197, 403), (327, 533)),
((159, 456), (857, 456)),
((480, 981), (881, 580)),
((86, 958), (962, 82)),
((375, 198), (763, 198)),
((950, 381), (341, 381)),
((504, 679), (504, 598)),
((756, 659), (680, 583)),
((146, 328), (886, 328)),
((930, 412), (492, 850)),
((954, 54), (954, 940)),
((790, 498), (790, 305)),
((83, 270), (83, 242)),
((939, 268), (939, 563)),
((423, 756), (916, 263)),
((583, 756), (583, 34)),
((957, 639), (614, 639)),
((484, 523), (521, 560)),
((497, 809), (497, 419)),
((76, 17), (979, 920)),
((49, 39), (943, 933)),
((110, 289), (110, 247)),
((874, 868), (874, 172)),
((576, 127), (53, 650)),
((871, 879), (12, 20)),
((436, 711), (592, 711)),
((132, 285), (225, 285)),
((245, 147), (514, 147)),
((158, 882), (956, 84)),
((21, 984), (937, 68)),
((42, 275), (219, 275)),
((877, 143), (889, 143)),
((593, 841), (508, 756)),
((414, 289), (132, 289)),
((687, 655), (767, 655)),
((453, 981), (459, 987)),
((635, 433), (635, 324)),
((671, 347), (170, 848)),
((412, 579), (915, 579)),
((269, 677), (269, 596)),
((587, 121), (367, 341)),
((153, 883), (153, 709)),
((524, 580), (508, 580)),
((541, 232), (651, 232)),
((93, 948), (284, 757)),
((168, 745), (872, 41)),
((831, 657), (925, 563)),
((908, 389), (442, 389)),
((462, 445), (234, 445)),
((735, 493), (895, 493)),
((274, 624), (296, 646)),
((153, 130), (153, 160)),
((466, 214), (466, 769)),
((474, 499), (686, 711)),
((540, 428), (788, 676)),
((858, 215), (959, 215)),
((788, 91), (788, 410)),
((552, 505), (988, 505)),
((978, 312), (978, 202)),
((108, 321), (616, 829)),
((903, 359), (903, 770)),
((480, 331), (480, 769)),
((503, 842), (34, 842)),
((613, 732), (323, 442)),
((767, 949), (654, 949)),
((514, 589), (386, 589)),
((38, 554), (284, 308)),
((689, 268), (689, 711)),
((860, 66), (190, 736)),
((253, 865), (622, 865)),
((87, 658), (698, 47)),
((506, 892), (829, 569)),
((680, 910), (594, 824)),
((824, 603), (958, 603)),
((576, 802), (562, 802)),
((67, 27), (67, 489)),
((969, 461), (517, 913)),
((674, 763), (674, 226)),
((223, 955), (218, 955)),
((147, 540), (569, 962)),
((455, 703), (596, 703)),
((746, 899), (746, 403)),
((516, 476), (756, 476)),
((897, 674), (373, 150)),
((120, 395), (120, 49)),
((722, 443), (722, 244)),
((724, 924), (724, 39)),
((809, 930), (109, 930)),
((822, 816), (874, 816)),
((796, 539), (895, 539)),
((340, 88), (560, 88)),
((223, 158), (593, 158)),
((779, 977), (856, 900)),
((617, 461), (973, 817)),
((515, 62), (515, 140)),
((12, 586), (724, 586)),
((870, 50), (391, 50)),
((308, 123), (308, 696)),
((119, 164), (863, 908)),
((755, 599), (448, 599)),
((129, 526), (633, 526)),
((478, 668), (102, 668)),
((237, 637), (237, 743)),
((270, 102), (72, 300)),
((115, 470), (115, 427)),
((948, 233), (948, 731)),
((983, 135), (468, 650)),
((748, 439), (748, 642)),
((62, 862), (352, 572)),
((765, 901), (660, 901)),
((917, 807), (917, 587)),
((55, 81), (116, 81)),
((954, 972), (102, 120)),
((340, 503), (294, 549)),
((970, 661), (522, 213)),
((618, 92), (618, 247)),
((688, 965), (965, 965)),
((94, 241), (94, 292)),
((15, 132), (15, 492)),
((979, 927), (488, 927)),
((509, 26), (984, 26)),
((840, 530), (840, 95)),
((55, 956), (849, 162)),
((297, 297), (297, 472)),
((338, 780), (369, 780)),
((487, 292), (37, 292)),
((122, 117), (206, 201)),
((66, 807), (564, 309)),
((643, 242), (906, 242)),
((909, 833), (909, 441)),
((129, 128), (818, 817)),
((406, 42), (406, 297)),
((53, 20), (967, 934)),
((235, 285), (601, 285)),
((275, 625), (275, 539)),
((199, 732), (430, 963)),
((639, 187), (639, 265)),
((549, 740), (549, 824)),
((603, 140), (603, 748)),
((35, 455), (176, 455)),
((888, 611), (888, 271)),
((134, 154), (484, 154)),
((694, 820), (694, 814)),
((535, 584), (187, 932)),
((642, 510), (642, 249)),
((191, 886), (268, 886)),
((918, 353), (881, 390)),
((977, 13), (343, 13)),
((380, 243), (271, 134)),
((410, 758), (410, 670)),
((613, 551), (519, 645)),
((963, 84), (124, 923)),
((702, 252), (821, 252)),
((405, 237), (405, 22)),
((21, 139), (21, 510)),
((548, 499), (132, 499)),
((196, 104), (196, 680)),
((739, 145), (476, 145)),
((751, 746), (91, 746)),
((975, 628), (975, 847)),
((935, 520), (935, 450)),
((803, 372), (803, 393)),
((872, 77), (872, 373)),
((339, 130), (339, 103)),
((226, 886), (226, 45)),
((794, 647), (794, 257)),
((90, 922), (889, 123)),
((615, 971), (615, 574)),
((26, 278), (26, 719)),
((838, 88), (806, 88)),
((263, 691), (804, 150)),
((309, 721), (910, 721)),
((510, 496), (960, 946)),
((195, 236), (46, 236)),
((610, 143), (610, 610)),
((891, 412), (891, 268)),
((714, 21), (156, 579)),
((320, 935), (320, 96)),
((240, 782), (449, 782)),
((754, 472), (48, 472)),
((105, 481), (529, 57)),
((451, 301), (451, 965)),
((796, 638), (796, 185)),
((908, 553), (771, 553)),
((98, 543), (490, 935)),
((481, 159), (762, 159)),
((593, 527), (419, 353)),
((86, 391), (216, 521)),
((260, 716), (42, 716)),
((734, 538), (375, 179)),
((24, 974), (975, 23)),
((402, 466), (787, 851)),
((344, 409), (262, 327)),
((803, 443), (685, 443)),
((986, 152), (249, 152)),
((125, 738), (90, 773)),
((184, 772), (184, 746)),
((729, 829), (729, 340)),
((226, 527), (226, 375)),
((936, 231), (222, 945)),
((254, 333), (254, 167)),
((451, 234), (451, 273)),
((915, 790), (568, 443)),
((869, 794), (504, 429)),
((11, 878), (836, 53)),
((821, 231), (522, 530)),
((285, 419), (732, 866)),
((191, 272), (191, 679)),
((41, 651), (225, 651)),
((30, 13), (879, 862)),
((980, 488), (20, 488)),
((27, 187), (27, 348)),
((53, 238), (53, 514)),
((778, 306), (379, 705)),
((425, 399), (425, 60)),
((162, 859), (57, 859)),
((652, 926), (652, 589)),
((962, 489), (555, 896)),
((197, 378), (436, 617)),
((310, 190), (310, 760)),
((678, 20), (678, 713)),
((390, 653), (985, 58)),
((938, 351), (656, 69)),
((881, 39), (18, 902)),
((313, 681), (323, 681)),
((910, 907), (288, 907)),
((739, 977), (739, 132)),
((856, 479), (154, 479)),
((893, 785), (761, 785)),
((405, 247), (405, 901)),
((58, 933), (808, 183)),
((643, 156), (676, 189)),
((149, 773), (357, 773)),
((479, 518), (434, 518)),
((389, 518), (556, 685)),
((858, 449), (533, 774)),
((503, 133), (409, 133)),
((340, 315), (219, 194)),
((183, 701), (183, 242)),
((810, 151), (195, 151)),
((446, 686), (446, 912)),
((968, 482), (49, 482)),
((203, 20), (203, 667)),
((493, 516), (647, 516)),
((900, 91), (634, 91)),
((660, 554), (119, 13)),
((964, 864), (964, 919)),
((871, 293), (344, 293)),
((895, 258), (972, 258)),
func run() {
var minX = 0
var maxX = 0
var minY = 0
var maxY = 0
for line in input {
minX = min(minX, line.0.x, line.1.x)
maxX = max(maxX, line.0.x, line.1.x)
minY = min(minY, line.0.y, line.1.y)
maxY = max(maxY, line.0.y, line.1.y)
var grid = Grid(minX: minX, minY: minY, maxX: maxX, maxY: maxY)
for line in input { grid.line(line) }
print(grid.grid.lazy.filter { $0 >= 2 }.count)
let data = CGDataProvider(dataInfo: nil, data: &grid.grid, size: grid.grid.count, releaseData: {_,_,_ in })
let image = CGImage(width: maxX - minX, height: maxY - minY, bitsPerComponent: 8, bitsPerPixel: 8, bytesPerRow: maxX - minX, space: .init(name: CGColorSpace.linearGray)!, bitmapInfo: [], provider: data!, decode: nil, shouldInterpolate: false, intent: .defaultIntent)
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/sven/test.png")
let dest = CGImageDestinationCreateWithURL(url as CFURL, UTType.png.identifier as CFString, 1, nil)
CGImageDestinationAddImage(dest!, image!, nil)
struct Grid {
let minX: Int
let minY: Int
let width: Int
var grid: [UInt8]
init(minX: Int, minY: Int, maxX: Int, maxY: Int) {
self.minX = minX
self.minY = minY
width = maxX - minX + 1
let height = maxY - minY + 1
grid = Array(repeating: 0, count: width * height)
subscript(x: Int, y:Int) -> UInt8 {
get { grid[(y - minY) * width + x - minX] }
set { grid[(y - minY) * width + x - minX] = newValue }
mutating func line(_ line: (Point, Point)) {
let ((minX, minY), (maxX, maxY)) = line
var x = minX
var y = minY
let xStep = minX == maxX ? 0 : minX < maxX ? 1 : -1
let yStep = minY == maxY ? 0 : minY < maxY ? 1 : -1
while true {
self[x, y] += 1
if x == maxX && y == maxY {
x += xStep
y += yStep
typealias Point = (x: Int, y: Int)
static func main() {

2021/day6.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
struct Day6 {
let input = [3,3,2,1,4,1,1,2,3,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,5,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,3,5,1,5,5,1,1,1,1,3,1,1,3,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,3,3,1,1,3,1,3,1,2,1,3,1,1,4,1,2,4,4,5,1,1,1,1,1,1,4,1,5,1,1,5,1,1,3,3,1,3,2,5,2,4,1,4,1,2,4,5,1,1,5,1,1,1,4,1,1,5,2,1,1,5,1,1,1,5,1,1,1,1,1,3,1,5,3,2,1,1,2,2,1,2,1,1,5,1,1,4,5,1,4,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,5,1,1,1,5,2,1,1,1,5,1,1,1,4,4,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,1,1,4,4,1,4,1,1,5,3,1,1,1,5,2,2,4,2,1,1,3,1,5,5,1,1,1,4,1,5,1,1,1,4,3,3,3,1,3,1,5,1,4,2,1,1,5,1,1,1,5,5,1,1,2,1,1,1,3,1,1,1,2,3,1,2,2,3,1,3,1,1,4,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,3,5,1,1,2,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,1,2,4,1,1,5,3,1,1,1,2,2,2,1,5,1,3,5,3,1,1,4,1,1,4]
var population: [Int] = .init(repeating: 0, count: 9)
func step() -> [Int] {
var result = Array(repeating: 0, count: 9)
for (age, count) in population.enumerated() {
if age == 0 {
result[6] += count
result[8] += count
} else {
result[age - 1] += count
return result
mutating func run() {
for age in input {
population[age] += 1
for day in 0..<256 {
population = step()
print(population.reduce(0) { $0 + $1 })
static func main() {
var x = Self()

2021/day8part2.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
struct Day8Part2 {
mutating func run() {
var sum = 0
for line in input.split(separator: "\n") {
let parts = line.split(separator: " ")
.filter { $0 != "|" }
.map { Set($0) }
let mapping = self.findMapping(parts[0..<10])
sum += self.decode(parts[10...], with: mapping)
func findMapping(_ input: ArraySlice<Set<Character>>) -> [String: Int] {
var result: [String: Int] = [:]
var input = input
let one = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 2 }!
let seven = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 3 }!
let four = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 4 }!
let three = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 5 && $0.isSuperset(of: one) }!
let nine = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 6 && $0.isSuperset(of: three) }!
let five = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 5 && $0.subtracting(nine).isEmpty }!
let two = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 5 }!
let zero = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 6 && $0.subtracting(one).count == 4 }!
let six = input.removeFirst { $0.count == 6 }!
result[String(zero.sorted())] = 0
result[String(one.sorted())] = 1
result[String(two.sorted())] = 2
result[String(three.sorted())] = 3
result[String(four.sorted())] = 4
result[String(five.sorted())] = 5
result[String(six.sorted())] = 6
result[String(seven.sorted())] = 7
result["abcdefg"] = 8
result[String(nine.sorted())] = 9
return result
func decode(_ input: ArraySlice<Set<Character>>, with mapping: [String: Int]) -> Int {
var result = 0
for digit in input {
result = result * 10 + mapping[String(digit.sorted())]!
return result
static func main() {
var result = Self()
let input = """
fgcae ebafc cabdef eg abecfg abgfed feg gafdc bceg ebgcadf | defagbc faecg cfdag gecb
eagd cad fgadbc aefdcg dcebfg fcegd cbeaf ad dbgfeca defca | cfdeg gdcabf fcgde afgced
gfdeca aeb eb fbdag eafdc adfbe cefdab bdaegcf efbc ecadgb | eb dbafe eab faecd
facbdge efdg gcafd daegc caegb aecfdb ade ed gafbdc dgfeac | de abcdef faedcg dfgca
dcaegbf bc dcgeab cbgad cebg cdfaeb fbadg acdge cefdga cdb | gdcfae gbec gdace cgadfe
ceagfbd fbaeg fadge fbegad abgecf dafcg ed edab ged dfcbeg | gebfa de gbafec ed
acedbf adfbg cgafedb geac cgb befcgd bcgaf bfgace cg bfeac | bcdfeg fecba cafgeb bgdfa
egadc cea ac agbcedf cgab bgcade fbcaed eadfbg fegdc ebdag | fdecabg fcged cdbage efgdab
cbfge gdc cdea efdag dc cdfeg gfbcad gcdeaf cdeagbf egfadb | dfcge egcfd fcdbag dc
gaedb fbced gcdbef cge gc decgb dcbgfea cgfb cgdfea fbcade | fdegbac fecbd ecg degba
geaf bcfedg agbcd bfeagd dgfbe cbdaef beacdfg abe agebd ea | fbecdg geaf gebfad adgbc
bed afgebd adecf bafgedc dbca cfegb becdf fabdce bd gcfdea | gfdaeb ebfgad dbefc cbda
gacfebd ag bedfca agbfde egfcab dfga degab fbade bag bdecg | dgaf abcfed agb bfecag
afebg afdeg gcbe acebdf cfbage cafeb gab decgabf bg gcfdba | gb caebf abgef acfebd
efdab fabdgce gcbfa eg gacbfe beg ecag beafg dfabcg bgecfd | bge fgdcbe gcfdba ebdaf
aecbd bdagef gd bfega aefgcbd gfde gfdcab dbg edgba febagc | dg dagfbc dgfe eabdgf
gdfba egfacbd gdcefa baf gcba fdagcb dgfac ab dcfeba ebgdf | dcfag bfa gafcd cbag
afbe bdagc cedfb defcab ebfdgac gfedbc cbfad af adgcfe adf | dafbc dfbac fdcegb gadcb
fcgedb ca fdcage cagdbef ceab acedfb fdbce cafdb cda afgbd | ac dcafb efgdac ebcfda
fbad gbcda dcefgb cfeadg dgbcaf bcafdeg ad gcabe adc dfbcg | gbcdef bcfdg cgbfd bfadgc
afcgeb bedag bdecafg agb bedfga fdagce bg bgfd dfgea cdabe | badge cagdfe efdag afegbd
gfed dcaef ge bafdce daceg acebfg cefadg egc ecdabfg gacdb | bcgad bcegaf agecd degcafb
deacb adcge ab acb fbdce faedbgc fgadec gabd deabgc ecbfag | dfbec ab cbagfe bcfgae
gcabfde ecf cbdeg bacgf fedg ecfgb gfedcb fcaedb cebdag fe | dbcegf bcgdfe gfde defg
daefb bfg gedafb fabge dbafec cfega bdga cgbdfe gb gbacedf | aecfg bcedaf begdcf dgba
bagce bf bdacfeg efbg fcb cefab gbfadc cafebg ecdfa bacdge | fegb cegba bagce efbg
becag cfeg cefgbad fbace gfeacb acdegb bef ef adbcf fdabge | ef bdfac cbegad gbeac
egb afcbe fbaeg eabgfdc gcab gb gfdea fgbecd bcdafe gafbec | fcdgeb edcgbfa gbe fgeba
dga caebd ecdag cegfd abdfce dafbge ecbgda bcdgefa ga agbc | afdbec ecfdab gdaec gad
fc gbdefc cfe ebdaf fcbeda gbafde edacg bfcdgae dacef cabf | decgfba cdbefg cf ecdabf
febgd dafgbc caed cgd ceadgf fbecga dcgfe aegfc gbedfca cd | dgfeb fgced dcafebg agdfce
ecdafgb bgade bgd fabd gbaef bd egadbf ceadg cfbgea dgbfec | edagc bdage bfda dbgae
cgeba aefgcd dfceagb dc ced facbed cdfb dbaec adfeb fgedba | fbdea bgcae efbda fcdeag
caegbf dcfga afcedgb afgdcb fcedag ab edbcg dbfa gdcab abg | bag cbdag agb ab
gadfecb befc fgdbea cf fedagc fac bcgfa agbfe adgcb feagcb | gbcda cgbad bcgfa cf
dae aefcb dgabec dacfg afebdc ebfd afecgb aedcf fbcagde ed | ecabfgd bedf bcadef egdacfb
abcf fcega fdgce fegbda eafdcgb ac gabecd gbfae beagfc eca | edbgca edbfga cae gface
bgedcf afcdbg ag gcbaef fcedgab afgdb cfgbd befda acdg agf | fdbga ceadbfg egfbac fag
bad edafc bdeg abcgde ecafgbd gfadcb bgaec db edcba geafcb | cdafe fdcabg cdfageb dbge
geb bgcf agfcde gb befag gfbcae defab gabdec eacfg gabecfd | afbedgc gceabf abgef egacf
fdeac acg cfegda cbeadf fegdbca ag acefg adge bfdgca gbcfe | gecdaf efgca cgbafd cfgeb
begdf bdfgc ebcf adfcg cdegbf dgeafb cbg cb bfeagdc gbdcea | acgedb fagdbe bgfde dfgac
afcgdb aedc bedgf egafcd afdge gecaf fcgebda gda da ceabfg | gedbf gacfe adg agdef
bdeafg acgebdf dgcfa fa cafe dgfbc gaf edagfc cgabde agedc | fadbge bdgfcea dgcefa cgeda
gacfbde defag cbgef gbca efadcb afcbeg cgbdfe ba eba gefab | fegab abe ebfcgd fbgae
gfbdec fbcade cabdegf ebdg bfd dcfgb cadgf gebcf db fcabge | eacdgfb bdge ebdg ecafdb
egcfba fdcae fcdaeb gcfdae fabd ba cdeab fcdbaeg eba decbg | cabed facbed cbade dfcea
agdfe acfdeg fcdbeg dgf gdaec df cadf ceagbfd abgfe gbdaec | bgcdef abfge gbefcd df
dgebf afgdb bfa fcbade af dcafgb agcf gcbda dabgecf gadecb | dbcga abcdge fadgbce eagcbd
dbcga bea egacdf dageb be efbd abgfce gadfe fcbegad aebfdg | eba be bdage bedga
gcbd egbdafc fgc fbgedc gc aedbfg cefgb fedbg cfaegd efabc | bface egfbc bgdacfe gc
fdgae dc ced gbcd gbcefd decfba becfg ecfabg cgfde gbcadfe | edbcfg cd cafgbe cdegbf
geadcf efg gadef fg fecad acbgfe dagecbf dcgf gadbe afbdce | edafcg bgcfade gfdc abedg
edcba ecgdb aedbcf aebf dabfc fdacge badgfc ae ead gfcbade | gcebdaf degbc ebfadc efdcba
caedbg dbgec dcbf ecgdbf cgdef dgf bgaedcf egacf afebgd fd | cdfbeg ecfbgda gcbfed cbgedf
bdag acdeb ecgdb egbcfa fcdbega gb dbecag cbdafe ebg gdcef | bedgc abdfcge efagcb cdgef
bfade bfdga dfbgec cagbfd dfgacbe gba gacf ag gdcbf abgedc | cfag abdcge ebafd abefd
agcdef bcfda bdgca aebdfcg eagdc gb dbg gbea cedagb bfgdec | dfabgec eafdgc acdge gdecab
ebacdfg cgbfad egdbc bdgfa daef bae gabed febadg ae gacbef | fagdb daebgf fgdab bea
dcgbf cbedf degc bgc fcgdbea fbadg cfdgbe gc efacgb fdbace | edfcb cfeabg cg edbacf
bcdagfe dfacb cbfdge bgcdf fdgeac acd agbd acbef da dcgfba | cbgdf dgab ad gbdcaf
edgfbca gbe be ceba bdaecg gefcd dbagc egbadf dcegb dfgabc | gcfde gfceabd gfbcad eagfdb
dfcbg fcdga efgb gecbfd gecbda dfbgaec bedfc dgb bfadce bg | dbcgf bfge dacgf dfgcbe
cga ebdgaf bfdag cbgfe bfadgc gbfeadc ac cagfb cdba cgadef | bfdag agedcf aegcbfd gcfab
gcead gfdbec cbdge gabfce eb dfgcba ecfdgab befd dgcbf ebg | cdgae fbdegc bcdge gcdfb
da ebgfda fcdeagb acgbfe gedba dbegc agdecf dae bafeg bfda | gdafec fegba edfbga aed
fbagec gdfba bcg gebcfd cbafg bcdfgea ebac cefag faedcg bc | gfbac baegcfd fabegc dgeacbf
dfbeag fabdg fdbe abdeg eb dcega gcefba cfdbag dgcfbae geb | cgbafd bdef dcage eb
abdcfe gba dagf cagbefd fdbea bfega ag dafbge dcbeag gfceb | afbcde ecgfb dfbega bdgeca
dg dge gdbc cfdae bcgae cbdage abgfde cfedagb cdgae eacgbf | eabgc bgeac bcdg cagbe
bfd dgaeb gcabde fd bfgce dgfa dbefg gadbfce dbafge fabcde | edfcba efbcg df bdf
gcbfd agbecd fedc edcbfg fdb eadfbg bcfag fd gedcb gbacdef | fgbac bdagfec gfbdaec aegbdc
cgbdfe ce acedg adcfeg bcfegad fcea ceg abdeg afbdcg fcgda | ecg aefdcg dacge ec
egbdfca efacb agcdbe cbaed bdafgc dfaecg debg bd bda agced | geadbc efbca gabfdc bd
edcfb bfgecd ecabfd eca abcd fgeab fedcag abfedgc ac bfeca | bgfae eca cdgfeb bfaec
cadef cebdga ebd bacdfe dagfec dbfa fcebg ecbgfad db fdecb | befcd acgdeb abdf dbfa
gbfecda bfd cdagb fbdacg fgdbec gbaf cbadf aefdc eadcgb bf | adcgb dfbca agbf dafcb
abedg acbgf fd gaefcb cagbdef cdaf dcbfeg bdagf dgcbfa bfd | gbadcef df fadgb gabcdf
fbgadc dbcfg dcega cgdfe cfedbg caefgb ef gef gfaebcd fedb | fcedg febd gbcdfa cdgfab
bg adgb fcaedbg cgfda fcbae bcg dfacge fgcdba decgfb bcagf | cgafb dbfcage bdgcfe dbga
ed afbdg acefb aecbfg cfdabeg gedfcb fcdabe ecda def ebdfa | gbafd gedfcb dfegcb dfgba
gcdfae efgdb abdfcg fde gdabf dbcegfa fedgab efab ef ebdcg | eafb gbfda gacedf cbdge
edagfc gfaecbd bgced cbegfd cb gefdc badgfc bdc efbc adegb | dgbec cegafd dcbgef dgecb
gedcab beg eg cafgb fbegc gdfe bdgfec gabcedf bdafce bcdfe | gcefb afcbed ge gdfe
fdbagc cdgefab edacf ceba ea cfbaed ecfdg abfegd adfbc eda | ea beadfc abcgdef ecdgf
fbc gfbacd fecda cbdfa dbgf dceabg gbcdfea efbgac cdabg bf | gbdf agbced gaedbc gfdb
aegcb bfgecd fbegad fcagdbe dfgce fcbd gdeacf fb bgf bgfce | bgafedc gcdaef dgfcbe eadgcf
def dbce agdfeb ed fdgbcea dgcfb aegfc dfgbac gecfd cdfgbe | cdfegb ed cdgfaeb ebdc
ecbfad afdb eagbfc caebgdf edfcb dgfec cgdbae bd bcafe bdc | bfacegd fbdcae dbc bgfdcea
dfgba eg cfbead gde bfedgc dceab cabfdge gdbae aecg aedgcb | egd adebg gde debcfa
cadfb egfb afgbc adbegc ecgadf ecagb fga ecfgab bgacfde fg | afcbg cgfba gf dacbge
cegbf dec efcdg facdge dfae dcbafge ed adgfc fdbagc cgaebd | dce gbcfe afcdgbe dcgabf
cfabe fa eabgfc cgaf fba gfbce dcfbge edbgcfa efbadg acebd | cfebga bfa fedcagb abfce
acdfb dbagf afcebgd beag afgedb gfdea gbd fgdcbe gb cdeagf | dafge gafed gfacde gb
gdfeac dfgce ebfadcg edagc dacf baegdc fd gdf egcfb dabgef | degfbac cfdeg daebgf cdeagb
fcgabe ebcd ecfdg dabcgf gfecabd cfd ebcfg dc bcfegd adefg | agedf cd bcefg dc
cbaeg bcfea fb feb gfaceb gdfbec dagbec gfab deacf bgcaedf | acbfge bf afgb efb
egdba cadgfbe efadbg cg begc bfgdca caegd abcegd dcg acdfe | fbegcad bceg gcd cdgebaf
agbcd dafcgb cfdg ceadb fdgeba eafbcg gfdab gbc bgdcafe cg | gfadcbe fbagd decba gc
gfbec adgc dge egdcfa abgfde abgdfce dg eacfdb fdaec gdfce | fecgd gd fgcbe acdef
fdbceg bfedc af fegcad cbdag daf efab dabcef fbeadgc cbfad | fcabd cbfad gcfdbe gadbc
ebgac fabdeg bedca cg aegdcfb geacbf ceg efgba facg fbedcg | gecdfb aebfg fagc ceg
eagb dcgeb ba abd cbeagd cdgafb fecbdga fgedcb dacfe dacbe | bdfeacg cadgbf bgedfc fcdae
dbac cfgae cbfgde ba bga gcfbad dcfebga gcdbf feagbd cgbaf | cgafb fagbdc dcfbg afgebd
adbgfe fgb egdafc cbafd dfegbc edgafbc egfcd cegb gfcdb gb | bg fdacge efcadg egdfba
agfbe cgaefdb gbdf edagb afg cdgafe gfedab fg egcdba fabec | fcbdega fag agf agf
cae edabfc cdfega ca cfba gadeb fdecb ecagfbd cbgdef acdeb | facdeb fgecad bfadce efcgbad
facb dbfec dceabf efgcd cb aecfbgd dgfbae eafdb ebdagc bcd | bfedc cdegab cbdfe adefb
fecbga badgc dga bfgadec dg geacb cgedba dfebag gcde fcabd | decg gda baceg gd
gecbd gcbdfea cbfg bg bge egbcdf dcbef beafdc cdeag bfgeda | agcde dceag gfabde beg
gefba gacfbe facdeg cg cgab gfc efbdcag cfgeb cefbd afegbd | gfc afbge dafegb aebcgf
egd aebfgd gefc ge gedbfca bdcfe dfcegb gecdb edbacf cdbag | dacbg edcfbg bcdfe ge
df ebdga gcdefa cfbd bgdfa afgcb dfeagbc bfacgd fgd facebg | gaebd gecbaf fdcb dfbag
fag cegfdab cadebg dabcgf abefg eafc ecafgb ebacg fbdge fa | ebfag dbcgfae gbecad fdbgac
gecbd gefa gfc fabdcg bfaecd ecgafbd fg befgc efabc gecbfa | gfae gcf egbdafc edgbc
bfgae fcebag fdbe fd fedag adgfbc fdbgea ecagd agcbfed fad | fgabe dfeb ebfd gefba
ecdgfb afge bdage ebcda eg abdgef fgadb gabcfd dge bcdagef | gdebfa eg agfbdec afeg
dbc acefd cegadbf fbcde afcb fdcaeg bc acdbge febdac debfg | ceafd caefd gfbaced dcb
fecgb fgacd gdcefba de gbafce febd gecfd edc fecdbg ecbgda | becdfg ed becgad gcdeba
agfdbe fbac bcd edacfb bgecfd cb cdeba cfgdeab acged edfab | cb dbc adbce bdfae
dgacef bdfa ecgbf ab fegba dgafe efdbgca abg acebdg afbdge | gefda ecgafd ecfbg begcad
gbfcea bgfa afdebc aegdcb af bgcdfea bgeac gecdf afc fgace | bfgecad fca afc abfg
cfe dgcfe fdagcb gebdc egfa gbcdefa dcebfa fe agdfc fgaedc | dfgac fe fce fcdbega
fecgab gcbdef cbaefgd dfgbe dgcfe eb bfe dbfga edbc acfegd | fbdeg fdgeca agefbc egcfd
aecd bac dfacbe cafdb ac gefcab gfcdbe fcbde gbdaf cbdegaf | gcdbefa fbgcae ecad fagecb
eagbf cagedf geafdbc fdgbce adefb aecfd adcb deb faecbd bd | ebd deabf fadcge cdagfe
gadefcb bfcga eadcgb egdbfc deag ecg edabc acedbf eg abgce | gdea bagce gce gce
agcfe bec gecab gbeda facb dbfgec fcegab gfacde gfdaceb cb | cb cefdgb cadefgb bc
fdgb df egabcf fegda cedga fegab efdbac def cgdefba gafedb | facdbe bafceg agedf fdebga
fdaecg dbcafg abfgec dc caefg cedg aecfd abdgfce eadbf fcd | cgefab gbfacd fbegac fabecg
dfecabg bcfeag gdafce dagbfc cdefb dca gafbc dbag da bcadf | dca bagfce cbfda cdagbf
dabfgec febadg gbcdae gfbe adebf ef cabdf edfgca ebgda eaf | gfacbed abgced egdfca egfb
cfdea dc fdagebc fegcbd agdc gcfade fcabe cfd efdgba gfead | bdfcge agdc dgefa cfd
gbfca febadcg bc bdegcf beca begaf gabedf cgfbae cgfad cbg | bcg dcaefgb dfgceb afebdg
cg cgbf bedcg fcagde adefbcg efdgcb ebacd cgd edbfg egdafb | cfgedb bgcf acegdf cfgb
bfad adcgbe faceg fagbdc df afdgc efcbdag dfbegc gfd badcg | gfd abgcd fgd abfd
bcadgf cgdfb adgcb gf gafc dcfeabg bdagce dgf dfbega cebdf | adcbfg gfca fdcbe gfac
daebf fcabgde bgdcef gab ga edbcga afcg ebfga aefbgc egbcf | ebcfg ebcgfa fcgebd agcf
gedab fg afgecb cfgd feg cfabed befdc fgdcbe gdceafb befgd | ecafbg ecfbd febdc gf
gcbadf ce gfcdb fec feabd gbecdf dbcfage febdc agcdfe egbc | bafed gcbe gefcbd egcb
cbdfg gbcafd feb gaecf gcbfe gfbdae be fcgabde bdgcef becd | abgedf gdfebc aedgfb fbe
edacgbf fbdae edgac bg gab bagdec dagfce fadbgc cebg bgdea | aedgb bg cebg adcge
bda gbfea gedcab gfbceda bgdfa bfcdg febcdg bagcfd cfad da | dbecag bgfdc gdbfa facd
ceabd dabfe acgde bc fbca cgbfde febgda dfecagb ebafdc bdc | cbdae dbfea fgdceb gbfedc
acg fadbgce cfgdeb dbgce efdca ag dbga cagbef egacd cdgbea | gdecabf gcbfea ecbdg gac
dfgacb ged egfdab efcgbda gcefbd debga ebadc ge aegf gfdab | cdfgab cdafgb bfcgda ge
gdbeca bcfde eafg cefbgad dgafcb ge degfb adefbg dgfba bge | bdfeg begdf ebfadg eabdfgc
cfbdgae gbaec bagfcd gfcba dcaeg bacfeg dbeacf bec efgb eb | ceb egcab cagfb dgcae
fdcagb gdaecb fcadg bcdgaef gd dfcea gbcaf aecgfb cgd dgbf | gfadc gfdb badgfc gbfca
bcafed defgcab fgcb cfbae cagde agebfc gbcae gbe gadefb gb | bg gfcaeb bg aedgc
bcfadeg gbfd eacfbd gdafe afebg bafegd geafcd gebca fb bfa | agdefc eafbdg fgead gedaf
fcgeabd dgeaf ebgfad gceafb geadc ac aec ebcdg cafd adgefc | gbfadec egcbd acfd dgabef
eac fbdgec ea eadb cbaeg agfdecb eafdgc dcgbe bcfga adcbeg | aec abde eac ea
cedb gcadbe ed edgfbac fbega abdge gacdb fdacgb dcefag aed | cdagb gbcafd gdefac gedafc
cae agfbec ae begcd feab fadgbc ecfadg ecabg cdgbefa cabfg | ecgba afcgb efba dgeafc
fecgabd badf efadg abedfg fea fdgceb fedgb aebfgc af gdcae | ebfgca fae fea af
bgedac gbfae dcbefg acbf fb gaedf cagedbf aebgc gebfca fgb | aedgf fdgea bgfae bfdgeac
bagcfe eadcb gb facegdb bgc fdcag efbcad beadgc bgadc ebgd | gbc fbcage becad gbfcae
cagde gbca dcgbea gc efcad dbgfea dfgecb caedbfg adgbe cdg | gc egdfbc bcga cg
efgcbd aebgcd dfe eadfb abged abdcefg bacfd ef bdfaeg faeg | fgae cgdaeb adefb afcbd
cgbfea gcbda gefdcb eadf febag bdf fd febgad fadbegc bgadf | gebcfd fgdbea dfb dbf
dg cdgfe gecfad dfbce bgefda fgd eafcg efcbag dgac bcdagfe | afdebg gfd aecgf gfcea
edfga cgefda gcdbe fbae ab egdabf cfgbda deabg bad adefcgb | ebadg agdeb fbae gbdae
gbdcfa gbade ebgac ecbfa adfgbec badecf bgc gcef fbgace gc | gc fcge gacefdb ebgca
acefgd ebgaf egfda egcd bgfaecd dgcfa ed abcefd efd abdgcf | def ebgaf fed befcda
fecag cag cfagbd agfcbde fabec eabg fdcge cgbfea fadebc ag | cfgbda dfgbeca efdcg dfgcaeb
bgecfda ecdag dgfcbe bdgac adbgf afgdbe bfac gdcabf cbd bc | bc acbgefd fagcdb fcba
ba efacg cfbgde cfdbg bacgf bgfdea abf bcad cfbeadg bgcfad | bcdgef fdgaeb ab cagfe
cbdaf bafdgc eacbd fd dcf fcabg bcdfeg bedgcfa dgfa agbecf | dfga bgfac df agdf
edcabf cadbf bgfdcea bgcfad bgcde dfg fg bdfgc cgadfe abfg | adfecg gfbcd acgdfeb cbgdaf
badgfc dg bagcde bceda dbcfea beafg debag adg fcbadeg edgc | gebda dcagbf dceba egfab
edcf dacfbg dbcefag fbd df bdegfc ebdagc bgfea begcd bfedg | dgebc cbgde dgfbac bdf
bdcfg acegfb acebfd fdcag egadcf da daf cgeaf edag bafcegd | gdcaf fgaec bafdec fdaecb
cagefd fde gdfba fcgaedb abefd ef dafbeg ebfg afcbgd ebdca | egdbfa bceda dfabg bdace
fcgb gcdae bg gfadeb cbfegd fcabed bdg gcdbe fdcbe adbefcg | dgb gfbdec befdc gfbc
fabde bgfde bgecda cedgb gf cabfdeg ebfdgc fgbeac fcdg gfb | fgbde efdgb edgbc afedb
ebacf cedfab fde eabfd fd baecgf bagde agdebfc dfcb egfadc | ebfdgac acdegf abdefc ebfad
gdcb cd cfgae cgbedf fbegd efgdc fadcbe gfeacdb dce dfagbe | gbcd cde gacfe gefdbc
geb afedgb bfegca bgade eg dgef gadbc eafdb afebdcg fcbead | cagbd defcba dbafec geafcb
fgbdc gbfade gba gefa dbafg cbadge bfgecda ga edbafc dfabe | afbdeg dgfba bgdfa dcfgb
agef badce ef febad cabfdg gdfab cbgeafd egfbdc defgba fbe | abefd geaf gafdbe ebcad
gd gad bfdg gecba fedabcg fcgeda aedfbc adebf agbdfe dgeab | ebcdaf agd gcfbdae egacb
cedbfa ba cgbfa abf dfegac cafeg gabe befgca ebdfcag cbfdg | fab aegcf faecbd fdcebga
daefg febdga aegfdbc efgdca eafb bge eb agbdec febgd gbdfc | gbcfd edbfg egb bacegd
fbdecg bdafec cfaeb gedac def dceaf abfd fd gfecba gfdaecb | ebfac bdfa gbcdef fd
fcbga cbdfeag bafgce fdacg dc fcd fcgbad fadge efcdgb cdab | gaefcb bafegcd acdb abcgf
ecgabd acgdf abge ae bcfead fgdaceb ead daegc bcdefg gcbed | egba gaecd cgadbe gdbce
aegfbc gf afebdc agebdfc ebcdf feg dcefg bdfg dcgea bgedcf | edbfcg fdgb bdgafce febgcd
dcg bcdefa dbfceg fdeacg acbeg bfeagcd cfdae dg dfag agdec | dfcgea dg egdca edagc
agcfeb fagbed fdbceg bag gebfd afgd agbfcde acbed ag badeg | cbdea fcedgb gfebac abcegf
adbegfc fgdace cadge afcg ebdfca ebgad eac bfgdce cgefd ca | acged fcedg ebagd dgacefb
gfeadb gfeab bcfa agebcfd aebgfc fecgbd efc fc gadec egcfa | fgbace fc debgcf afgceb
bacg ab cfgbd bfadge acfed fgdecb agedcbf fcabgd bfa dbafc | gfdcb cbga abcg afecbdg
ge beagc cfgabd bgaced bgcda fbadgec age ecdagf egbd fcbae | aeg gedbac cadfeg fbgcda
dgbafe abfdgec gdf fd agebcf gadec dfcgba befd edfga aebfg | abcgefd dagec dfg df
edfcga bcegd baeg cbgdae agdbc gce acgdebf eg gfadbc cefbd | dcbeg bgedc cedbg edcbg
adfbe dg cagef dfgb gdbeca aefdg gda edcbaf fdgeba gdecbfa | cdabef eafbd bafcegd dg
cd edcbfg dbage fcaebdg facd bgcfea afbedc afbec dbc adecb | adegb bcefag abegd cbgedf
gdcbf da ecgbfda adc adgb bagcfd dfbcea egfac dfbceg gdacf | gdba cfdbg adbfec fcaeg
bcg bc gdcbae dbca abfgde gdeba ebfacdg egcba faceg dgfbce | geadb badecg ecbfgd baecg

2021/day9.swift Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
struct Day9: Puzzle {
let matrix = Self.input.compactMap { $0.wholeNumberValue }
let width = 100
let height = 100
subscript(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
get {
return matrix[x + width * y]
func isMinimum(x: Int, y: Int) -> Bool {
let value = self[x, y]
let smallerLeft = x == 0 || self[x - 1, y] > value
let smallerRight = x == width - 1 || self[x + 1, y] > value
let smallerTop = y == 0 || self[x, y - 1] > value
let smallerBottom = y == height - 1 || self[x, y + 1] > value
return smallerLeft && smallerRight && smallerTop && smallerBottom
func run() {
var lowPoints: [(Int, Int)] = []
var riskSum = 0
for y in 0..<height {
for x in 0..<width {
if isMinimum(x: x, y: y) {
riskSum += self[x,y] + 1
print("Part 1:", riskSum)
let basins = { basinSize(x: $0.0, y: $0.1) }
.sorted(by: { $0 > $1 })
.reduce(1, *)
print("Part 2:", basins)
func basinSize(x: Int, y: Int) -> Int {
basinAt(Point(x: x, y: y)).count
subscript(point: Point) -> Int {
self[point.x, point.y]
func basinAt(_ p: Point) -> Set<Point> {
var set: Set<Point> = []
findBasin(at: p, value: self[p] - 1, visited: &set)
return set
func findBasin(at point: Point, value: Int, visited: inout Set<Point>) {
guard !visited.contains(point) else { return }
guard point.x >= 0 && point.y >= 0 && point.x < width && point.y < height else { return }
let currentValue = self[point]
guard currentValue != 9 && currentValue > value else { return }
findBasin(at: point.left, value: currentValue, visited: &visited)
findBasin(at: point.up, value: currentValue, visited: &visited)
findBasin(at: point.right, value: currentValue, visited: &visited)
findBasin(at: point.down, value: currentValue, visited: &visited)
struct Point: Hashable {
var x: Int
var y: Int
var left: Point { .init(x: x - 1, y: y) }
var right: Point { .init(x: x + 1, y: y) }
var up: Point { .init(x: x, y: y - 1) }
var down: Point { .init(x: x, y: y + 1) }
static let input = """