WIP: Day 20 part 1.

Algorithm works, too slow.
This commit is contained in:
Sven Weidauer 2024-12-26 11:35:11 +01:00
parent 10f30eb274
commit aeb0d108ee
4 changed files with 220 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -18,4 +18,9 @@ fun Grid.Coordinate.step(direction: Direction, steps: Int = 1) =
Direction.East -> copy(x = x + steps) Direction.East -> copy(x = x + steps)
Direction.South -> copy(y = y + steps) Direction.South -> copy(y = y + steps)
Direction.West -> copy(x = x - steps) Direction.West -> copy(x = x - steps)
} }
fun Grid.Coordinate.neighbors(distance: Int = 1): Sequence<Grid.Coordinate> =
.map { step(it, distance) }

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@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
fun main() {
val maze = CharGrid.read("day20-sample.txt")
val start = maze.find('S') ?: error("No start position")
val end = maze.find('E') ?: error("No end position")
val paths = maze.findPaths(start, end)
val total = paths.first { !it.cheated }.time
println("Time without cheating: $total")
val part1 = paths.count { it.time <= total - 100 }
println("Part 1: $part1")
paths.sortedBy { it.time }
.groupBy { it.time }
.forEach { (time, list) ->
val saving = total - time
println("${list.count()} x $saving")
data class MazeResult(val time: Int, val cheated: Boolean)
fun CharGrid.findPaths(
position: Grid.Coordinate,
goal: Grid.Coordinate,
visited: Set<Grid.Coordinate> = emptySet(),
time: Int = 0,
cheated: Boolean = false
): List<MazeResult> {
if (position == goal) {
return listOf(MazeResult(time, cheated))
val newVisited = visited + position
fun canVisit(position: Grid.Coordinate): Boolean =
position in this && position !in newVisited && this[position] != '#'
val paths = position.neighbors()
.filter { canVisit(it) }
.fold(mutableListOf<MazeResult>()) { list, next ->
list.addAll(findPaths(next, goal, newVisited, time + 1, cheated))
return if (cheated) {
} else {
.filter { it in this && this[it] == '#' }
.flatMap { it.neighbors() }
.filter { canVisit(it) }
.fold(paths) { list, next ->
list.addAll(findPaths(next, goal, newVisited, time + 2, true))

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,141 @@