Each line in your input contains one color definition. That is a name followed by the actual color. We support RGB colors in a few formats similar to CSS:
Color/Color1 #fff
Color/Color2 #abcdeff0
Color/Color3 rgb(12, 13, 53)
Color/Color4 rgba(250, 250, 250, 128)
Colors can also reference other colors by prefixing them with an `@` sign:
ColorAlias @Color/Color1
## Output format
### Xcode Asset Catalogs (`--ios`)
The optional prefix followed by a `/` is added in front of the color name. Then for each part separate by / a new folder that provides namespace is inserted in the asset catalogs. Spaces are inserted between CamelCase words. Color references are inserted as copies of the original color.
### Android resource XML (`--android`)
The optional prefix, followed by a underscore is added in front of the name. Names are converted from CamelCase to snake_case and / is replaced by underscores as well. Color references the generated color resource also references the original color.
### HTML preview (`--html`)
Generates a simple HTML table with the color names, values and a sample.